The Music is Bleeding

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September 20, 2008

Lucky for me, I didn't have much time to stress bake for too long after we arrived back from Australia because the boys have had a lot of press for their fourth album, radio:ACTIVE.

I've asked all of the boys multiple times what the bloody hell that album title means, but none of them have had an answer that makes sense to me.

The first single from the album, One for the Radio, was released in July and the second one was released five days ago. It was called Lies. One For the Radio peaked at number 2 and Lies at number 4 on the charts, but both of them were certified platinum once, so it didn't bother the boys that they were not number one.

Over the years, the boys had found more competition in themselves than in other artists. Unlike when they were young, they didn't really mind not being number one on the charts all the time as long as they were doing well for their own band standards and challenging themselves.

The album was being officially released in two days, but today the boys were doing something revolutionary.

Today over 2 million people in the UK would be receiving radio:ACTIVE free in the Sunday post.

Tom was the one who came up with the idea. he thought that it could help with sales of the album, and also be good for the fans that couldn't get access to the album. At first, Fletch and I were skeptical, but the boys would be given a profit from the paper that day, and we were hoping Tom's idea would go to plan.

I woke up extra early and had been waiting for the post all morning. When it finally came at about 8:30, I ran out to my driveway (still in my pajamas, followed by Flea), grabbed it and ran back into my house, popping it in the CD player I had gotten from Tom and Gi for my birthday immediately.

One of my greatest fears with this grand idea was that somehow the CDs weren't going to work. That they'd get scratched whilst transporting and skip when the fans put them on.

I immediately hit play and sat down on the couch, crossing my fingers.

"Please work. Please work." I chanted out loud. And then, Tom's voice boomed through the speakers.

Here's another song for the radio

I immediately jumped up from my seat and started to scream from excitement. Flea then started barking, and I danced around my living room to the whole album.


Today the boys had a day off, as they usually do the day an album comes out, before they start tour rehearsals and press. The only odd thing was that technically today wasn't the day the album was released, but it sure felt like it.

After listening to the album multiple times, I had taken Flea for a long walk and arrived home at just about sunset. When I did get home, a car was in my driveway. An Audi Q6, and a blonde hopped out.

"Dougie?" I called, punching in the code and walking in the gate.

"Hey, Lil." He smiles, as I let go of Flea's leash and let him run up to Dougie. Dougie crouches and pets him for a while before standing back up.

"You alright?" I ask.

"Yeah good." He smiles.

"You wanna come in?" I ask.

"No, no, I'm actually on my way to Danny's. That's why I brought the car from next door." He says. "But I came over to let you know that I'll be in my new house next week, so I'll be able to take Flea then."

I was instantly filled with dread. I know it's been six months, but I didn't want Dougie to take Flea. I'd grown extremely close to him.

"Oh...great!" I try and sound excited, because I am happy for Dougie finally getting his own house.

"Yeah. So I'll see you before then, but I'll let you know the exact day I can pick him up and take the rest of my stuff. Plus my mum is gonna watch him during tour."

"Okay." I smile. He gives me a hug, and starts to walk back to his car. "Tell Danny I say hi. And good job with the post."

"Thanks." He smiles, gets in his car and leaves. I look down at Flea who is standing next to me, and consider changing the code on the gate.


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