I Hope I'm Not a Little Too Late

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February 21, 2007

Motion in the Ocean Tour: Nottingham, United Kingdom

Before the show today, the boys and I decided to get breakfast and talk about the remainder of the tour, but before that, Mel was giving me a haircut.

I hadn't had a haircut in a long time, and I definitely hadn't had a professional haircut in an even longer span of time.

"What do you want, Lilly?" Mel asks, as I sit in the chair in front of her.

"Just a trim." I say.

"Really?" She asks. What does she mean? I've always had the same thing. I've never thought it's looked bad, or that I needed a change.

"Well...what do you think?" I ask.

"I think..." Mel starts, and runs her hands through my hair. "You should chop it to shoulder length and get bangs. It will really help with the thinness."

I shrug.

"I guess so." I say.

"Wait, really?" She asks.

"Well...yeah....you're the hairdresser. You know best." I say.

"Well that was easy. Takes me about an hour just to convince the boys to let me trim their hair."

It took Mel about half an hour before she finished and then she handed me a mirror.

"What do you think?" She asks. Just as she had promised, my hair was cut to my shoulders and I now had bangs.

"Yeah good!" I say, quite pleased.

"Good! If you ever need a trim, come right back. You're the easiest client I've ever dealt with." She says.


I met the boys at a small breakfast place that was private enough that it was unlikely any fans would find them. When I walked in, the first person who saw me was Tom, and his mouth dropped when he saw my hair, as he nudged Danny, who was sitting next to him, pointing to me, and then the other boys turned and looked at me too.

"Woah!" Tom exclaims, as I take my seat. "Nice new do!"

"Thanks." I smile. "It's all the work of Mel."

"Wow! We should actually let her do our hair more often!" Danny says.

We all order breakfast, and are talking over our plans for how the boys can improve their sound, engage the crowd more, and just general plans for the rest of the tour, when suddenly we hear a scream.

All the boys and I turn towards a lady who had short, red hair, as the man sitting across from her collapsed. She kneeled down next to him and started to search him.

"I think there were peanuts in his dish! He doesn't have an epi pen! Help! Please! Is there a doctor?" She calls, as others start to accumulate nearby.

I could tell from my bio research what was going on, and the boys and I stood up.

"He needs a tracheotomy." I whisper.

"What?" Tom asks. I turn to him, as all the boys and I are standing in a line now.

"He needs a tracheotomy." I say again.

"Can't we just call an ambulance and when they get here they'll do it?" Dougie asks.

"He'll die before they get here. He's going into anaphylactic shock. He can't breath and he doesn't have an epi pen." I say.

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