The End of This Can't Be Sighted

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February 9, 2009

We had only been in Japan for about 48 hours, and the trip was nothing like I expected.

I thought we would go, see the city, have a nice time, the boys would play a show and then we would head to Australia.

That is not what happened.

First off, if we were going to go sight seeing it would have had to have been on the day we arrived, and not only were we all jet lagged, but the fans in Japan were everywhere so we couldn't even leave the hotel rooms we were booked in.

Also, so many fans had come from all over Japan that we couldn't even each get our own hotel rooms.

Fletch was in his own, and the boys and I all had to share.

"Fletch, that's not fair!" I say, as we lugged our stuff up to the only two rooms we got.

"I only have one bed, Lilly." Fletch says.

"It's a king! You won't even know I'm there!" I beg. "Please, Fletch."

"Lilly, the decision is final. I'm a grown man. I need my own room. Kids in one room, grown ups in another." He says, as we pile into the lift.

"First off, this isn't Christmas dinner, second we're all adults and third, if anything I should be getting the solo room because I'm the only girl!" I say.

"Oh come on Lil, it won't be that bad." Danny says.

"Danny, I don't even get a bed in your room." I say. It was true. The boys needed a good night's rest for their show, especially with all the jet lag, and their room only had two full beds.

"Well that's fine, if you wanna squish between me and your ex-boyfriend then you can sleep in our bed." Harry smiles.

"How about you and my ex-boyfriend squish into a bed with your band mates and I get my own bed?" I smile back.

"How about we stop referring to Dougie as your ex-boyfriend?" Dougie says to me. "How about Dougie stops referring to himself in the third person..." He says to himself.

"Sorry Lil. The stars gotta have their beauty sleep." Harry says.

"Bite me." I say, just as the hotel doors open.

"Good luck with all that." Fletch says, turning towards his room. I sigh as all five of us go the other direction.

So not only did I have to sleep on the hotel couch (and now have a killer neck ache), but there was no time to sight see before the show, or after, since I was informed we would literally have to run straight from the venue to catch our flight.

And the boys did play an excellent show for their Japanese fans, probably because they all slept in real beds.

Okay. I'll stop talking about it now.

But now, the show was over, and the six of us running through the airport like Sam in Love Actually wasn't even the worst part. The worst part was knowing once we got on the plane I would have to spend the next ten hours next to four boys who didn't have time to shower after their show.

So the trip wasn't as glamorous as I had hoped. Still, I was glad it happened.


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