{3} A Small Confession

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Yesterday Chiron had explained everything he knew about the wizarding world to us, and it still kinda blew my mind that it even existed. He gave us a day to pack, and then this morning transported us to London to become acquainted with the boy we were being sent to protect. We were to spend the day there, and then at night, we were to meet some named Dumbdoor or something at Grimmauld Place. Anyway, all of us except Annabeth were waiting at the local park. Annabeth had donned her invisibility cap and went to find this Porter kid. It was almost sundown when Annabeth ran into the park. She was puffed, which meant she had to have run a long way.

"What happened?" I asked immediately, jumping up from my seat.

"I don't know exactly." She replied, "The kid was sitting under the window, but then there was a sound like a firecracker and then he just took off."

"Where is he going?" Jason inquired.

"It looked like he was heading here."

"Hey, what did Chiron say he looked like again?" Piper said, staring into the distance.

"Unruly black hair, green eyes." Jason answered, "Why?"

"Because he's here alright." Piper pointed at a kid sitting on a swing across from us.

We all turned to stare at him, and he stared back, his green eyes noticeable from even across the park.

"Is that him?" I checked.

"Yep." Annabeth nodded.

"What do we do now?" Clarisse grunted.

"We wait and we watch." Annabeth murmured.

"Maybe while we do that, you two can tell us about Brooklyn and Boston?" Nico raised an eyebrow.

"What about it?" I asked, exchanging a glance with Annabeth.

"Come on guys, it's obvious you're keeping something from us." Piper coaxed, "Just tell us."

Unfortunately, she was charmspeaking.

"Fine." Annabeth sighed.

The demigods (Plus Calypso) all turned their attention to me and Annabeth.

"A while back, we met two kids named Carter and Sadie Kane. Together we kinda maybe killed a god." I muttered.

The expressions on the other's faces ranged from 'wait what' to 'WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL'.

"What.. how.... why... who?" Clarisse stuttered.

"Add when to that sentence and you'll have completed the five Ws." Leo joked although the expression on his face remained that of shock.

"Sadie and Carter, they're magicians," I explained.

Now everyone just looked downright confused.

"Like.. bunny rabbit out of a hat magicians?" Hazel wondered.

"Egyptian magicians." Annabeth clarified.

Aside from me, Jason and Calypso seemed to be the only ones who knew what she was talking about.

"I thought they were extinct." Jason gasped.

"Only if you kill off every remaining pharaoh bloodline. Starting with actually finding them." I smiled.

"I too thought they were all gone." Calypso admitted, "I knew they existed, but I believed they fell with Egypt."

Annabeth and I shook our heads.

"They're alive and kicking," Annabeth replied.

"I feel like I'm missing something." Piper frowned.

"Egyptian magicians. They channel the power of their gods to do magic." Jason explained.

"I'll say that I understand that," Leo muttered.

"What about Boston? You mentioned Boston too, didn't you?" Frank asked.

"Uh, yeah. That's slightly more complicated." Annabeth stuttered.

"More complicated than Egyptian Magicians?" Hazel pointed out.

"True." Annabeth conceded, "Boston is where my cousin lives. Or lived. Technically he's dead."

"What do you mean, 'technically'?" Clarisse narrowed her eyes.

"Well, he died. To a fire giant. But, he went to the afterlife. His afterlife."

"You've lost us," Piper said, speaking for all of them.

"Magnus is the Son of Frey. He died, went to Valhalla, had adventures in the mortal world. Also, Norse gods exist." I summarised.

Now everyone looked REALLY confused.

"I think I need to lie down," Piper said faintly.

"Um, guys?" Calypso interjected, "Our charge is leaving."

She gestured to behind them, where the kid had stood up and was following a small gang of kids out of the park.

"Those are the kids who were pushing around the little kid earlier," Hazel observed.

"Shouldn't we follow him then?" Annabeth said pointedly.

"That might be a good idea." I agreed.

Together we set off, trailing him at a distance. He waited while the gang went their separate ways, and then followed the one who looked like a pig. The kid caught up with the human-pig, and it looked like he was taunting him. He looked pretty scrawny, so it probably wasn't a good idea. Human pig's hands had clenched into fists, but nothing happened until they were in an alleyway, and human-pig said something that made the kid pull out what I assume is a wand. Or maybe it was just a stick. But then, the strangest thing happened. I'm not sure if the kid was the one doing it, but a strange darkness seemed to overtake us, and I found myself reliving my worst memories.

A/N: So, I'm trying to figure out who goes in what house. (No, I'm not putting ALL of them in Gryffindor) There are some people I'm struggling with, so please leave your suggestions in the comments. Because I have no idea where to put most of them, and I don't want them all to just be in Gryffindor. Thanks for reading! :)

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