{10} The Last Day of Summer

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The last day of summer came quicker than anticipated. We weren't allowed to go to Diagon Alley just yet, for 'safety reasons', so Molly Weasley had gotten us all our supplies- using our money of course. Now it was the morning of the 1st of September, and everyone was up and in a hurry very quickly. I could hear Frank and Percy trying to get Leo up next door as I finished packing my trunk.

"They're going to be trying to wake him up for a while," Piper commented from her spot on her neatly made bed.

"Definitely." Calypso agreed.

"I hope we aren't late." Hazel worried.

"It'll be fine," Clarisse waved them off, "And if it isn't, I'm gonna beat that elf into a pulp."

"That's my boyfriend you're talking about." Calypso reminded her.

"You aren't objecting." Clarisse pointed out.

Calypso shrugged.

"Breakfast time," Hermione called, knocking on the door, "Leave your trunks, the others will bring them down."

The sound of receding footsteps told us that the witch had gone back downstairs. We exchanged a glance before we made for the door.

"She seems nice," Hazel observed as they filed out the door.

"She seems like Annabeth," Clarisse grunted.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I objected.

"Oh yeah? Are any of your 'other friends' like you?"

"It has been determined that Carter and Samariah are the most like me." I sighed.

"I stand corrected."

"On what?" Ron asked as we had entered the dining room at that point.

"On whether or not Annabeth could bear to be friends with someone like her," Clarisse smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, Sam and Carter," Percy replied, not realising that I had already answered the question.

I smiled as the other girls laughed and sat down beside him, kissing his cheek.

"What?" He asked, looking around earnestly.

The other girls waved him off and sat down as well. He looked at me, still confused, but I just smiled.

"Eat up," Mrs Weasley instructed, "You have a long day ahead of you."


I wandered along behind Mrs Weasley, Lupin, Ginny, Hermione and Calypso. I was staring wistfully at all the machines around me, knowing I wouldn't be seeing any of them for a long time.

"Hurry up Leo," Calypso called back.

"McShizzle can only walk so fast while maintaining his magical aura of superiority." I defended myself pompously.

Calypso sighed and rolled her eyes, but I saw the glimmer of a smile on her face.

"Come on." She repeated, darting forward to grab my hand and pull me along behind her.

"I'm not a dog, sunshine." I yelped.

"Don't call me sunshine." She ordered.

"You got it, sweets." I winked.

I mean, she couldn't see me wink, but it was still cooler than not winking. Apparently Calypso didn't share the same opinion, however, as she sped up so I really did feel like a dog. Note to self: don't make your girlfriend mad if she can reach your arm.

Soon after we reached Kings Cross Station, which looked like a perfectly normal train station- until they dragged us through a wall. I mean, a wall? How would that even work? It shouldn't work, logically. Gods, this magic thing was really messing with my head.

On the other side, the platform was full of kids, and as the steam and crowd cleared I laid eyes on a scarlet red steam engine. There were dozens of carriages, many full of children waving goodbye to their parents.

"Go along now children." Mrs Weasley, told us, hugging us all goodbye in turn, before hurrying off to say goodbye to the others.

"Come." Hermione gestured for us to follow her.

We struggled through the crowd, finally reaching the train and clambering on board. Lucky for us the others had snuck onboard just behind us.

"Where are we going to find a carriage big enough for all... fourteen of us?" Annabeth asked.

Fred and George had vanished already. Something about meeting up with some friends.

"Somewhere, hopefully." Hermione frowned.

We began to shuffle along the corridor, dragging our luggage behind us.

It took a while to find a clear carriage. When we reached the end of the train we found a carriage with only two people inside, both of which the wizards and witches seemed to recognise.

"It will have to do." Hermione sighed.

Twelve of us wriggled inside. Hermione and Ron left to go to some special carriage, but it was still crowded. I ended up on the ground along with Nico. I guess because we were small it was okay to bully us. I leant back against the wall, fiddling with something I had pulled from my tool belt. I wasn't really paying attention when the two new kids were introduced. Loony something or rather, and Neville Longbottom. What an amusing name. Wizards really loved to torture themselves, didn't they? I was, however, paying attention when the train began to move, the whistle blowing merrily. I could hear the goodbyes echoing from parents and students alike, and felt a pang of jealously. My mum would never do that. I shook my head, trying to clear my head. Cheer up, I told myself, you're going to wizard school.

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