{8} If you have a Black Tattoo, You're a Death Eater

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I knew everyone stared at us strangely as we left to IM Magnus, even the other demigods gave us a few odd looks. They didn't understand why we needed to talk to Magnus. Why did we, you ask? Well, it's because Magnus and his dear friends Sam the Valykree thingy and Alex the gender-fluid shapeshifter accidentally triggered Ragnarok, yes the end of the world. And we kind of wanted to know if they had managed to postpone it, or if certain death was coming for us all.

Good news, the world was not ending any time soon, so that was a relief. But Magnus' story was so long that by the time he had finished, with quite a few interruptions from girl Alex, that by the time he had finished there was a screech at the door. We said our hurried goodbyes and rushed downstairs. Quite a few members of the order were by the door, including Sirius Black, who looked like he had just pulled the curtain over his mother's painting shut. Jason and Frank were standing on either side of a black-haired, green-eyed, fifteen-year-old. Harry Potter. I recognised him from the park.  Sirius turned and said something to Harry. I didn't hear what he said, as we were still racing down the stairs.

"Hey, guys." I grinned at Jason and Frank, who smiled in return.

"Where are the others?" Jason asked, probably eager to see Piper.

I shrugged.

"You weren't with them?" Jason frowned.

Annabeth and I shook our heads.

"Were you two seriously talking to Annabeth's cousin this whole time?"

"Why do you guys always say it like that?" Annabeth sighed, "Yes, we were talking to Magnus this whole time."

"Technically Alex too." I pointed out.

"Who's Alex?" Frank wondered.

"Magnus'... friend." I smiled, realising something.

"Percy..." Annabeth said in a tone of voice that scared me, "Why did you say 'friend' like that?"

"It just occurred to me, that you know when they were telling us about... ice skating? Yeah, ice skating, they got a bit blushy and it seemed like they skated (Haha get it? Cause they were ice skating? Okie I'll stop) over something. Also, Alex was just in Magnus' room. She.. he... they didn't know we were calling."

"Alex was female." Annabeth sighed.

"I knew that." I defended myself.

"Sure you did." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Look, I just didn't want to offend, her, if she happened to be a boy."

Annabeth stared at me.

"You are horrible at this Seaweed Brain."

"Yeah, I am." I agreed.

"I feel like I'm missing something," Jason commented, looking from me to Annabeth.

That was when I noticed that everyone in the hallway was staring at us, looking utterly bewildered.

"Alex is Magnus' friend, and Alex is gender fluid," Annabeth explained.

"Oh." Jason nodded.

"This was an ...interesting conversation," Sirius began, "But I feel like someone should probably show Harry to his room."

"I'll do it." I offered, "He's staying with Ron, right?"

Sirius nodded.

"Okay, come with me." I smiled at him, but all he did was look at me warily.

His eyes flicked to my wrist and I realised that unlike Jason and Frank, I had taken my jacket off, exposing my SPQR tattoo. I recalled what Dumbledore had said, that it would look suspiciously like a Dark Mark and that I should probably keep it hidden at all costs. Oops.

"What's that?" Harry asked, pointing at my tattoo.

"A tattoo," I replied, stating the obvious.

"What is it a tattoo of?"

"Does it matter?" I countered.

"It does if it's a Dark Mark."

I exchanged a glance with Annabeth.

"It isn't," I assured him.

He didn't look convinced. Alastor Moody, who had been informed of what we were and nothing else was also looking a bit suspicious.

"I'd like to see this tattoo too." He growled.

I looked desperately at Annabeth, who shrugged. I sighed and held out my arm. The SPQR tattoo was there, clear as day. Everyone could see it. SPQR, a trident, and a single line.

"What does SPQR mean?" Harry wondered.

"Senātus Populusque Rōmānus." Jason, Frank and I said together.


"The Senate and the People of Rome." Jason translated.

"Okay," Harry blinked very slowly a few times, "Why is that tattooed on your arm? With a trident and a line?"

I had no idea what to say, luckily my Wise Girl came to my rescue.

"Our school in America, it has two campuses, and both mark every year there a different way. One camp, which is slightly more disciplined, marks it with a line on an arm, along with their motto and the icon of whatever house you're in. The other commentates each year with another clay bead added to a necklace." Annabeth fingered her's.

"Oh, well, why does he have both?"

I almost sighed. This kid asked a LOT of questions.

"I spent time at both camps."

"Oh. That makes sense, I guess. Who else was at the tattoo camp?"

I almost sniggered. No one had ever called Camp Jupiter the tattoo camp before. I could see the others trying not to laugh as well.

"Jason, Hazel and I," Frank answered as he was the first to calm down.

"Well, now that that is sorted out, why don't you go and see Ron and Hermione?" Sirius asked Harry, in the 'adult' way that really meant it wasn't a question.

Harry nodded eagerly, and this time followed me and Annabeth up the stairs, without asking any more questions, thank the gods for that. As we walked up, I exchanged a long look with Annabeth. Already I could tell, this kid was going to be high maintenance.

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