{19} Hog's Head

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A few weeks into the school term, during a Care of Magical Creatures lesson, Jason and Percy cornered me. Ashley shot me a mischievous look as they did so, but I waved her off, instead focusing on my boyfriend and friend. 

"What's going on guys?" I asked quietly. 

"Okay, what do you think about learning Defense Against the Dark Arts outside of school?" Percy wondered.

"I'd say that we're barely learning anything during school," I replied. 

"What Percy is trying to say is that Hermione came up with an idea for Harry to teach us all Defense Against the Dark Arts as a sort of extracurricular."

"First of all, I have a feeling it's going to be less 'extracurricular' and more 'secret society'. Second, what do you mean by 'us'?"

"Whoever wants to learn," Jason answered. 

"I'm guessing not any Slytherins outside of Nico and me though." 

"They don't trust them, sorry Pipes." Jason apologised, "We could barely get them to let us ask you two."

"It's fine." I assured them, "Sounds good. Is there a meeting I need to know about?" 

"It's at a place called the Hog's Head, the next Hogsmeade visit," Percy informed her.

"Got it." I smiled.

Percy ran off to talk to Nico, but before Jason could follow I pulled him in for a quick kiss when I was sure Professor Grubbly-Plank wasn't watching


The Hogsmeade rolled around on the first weekend of October. Piper and I left together, heading straight for the Hog's Head. 

It was a dingy little bar on the outskirts of town. A battered-looking sign hung over the door, with a picture of a hog's severed head on it.

Inside wasn't much better. It was comprised of one small, grimy room that smelled faintly of goats. The windows were so dirty that very little light shone through. At first glance, the floor seemed like it was made of condensed earth, but a closer look told me that it was actually stone covered by layers of filth.

There were a few odd people in the bar, like someone who was covered head to toe in bandages, and another person who was wearing a veil. Luckily we weren't alone there, as Hermione, Harry, Ron, Percy, Jason and Clarisse were already there. 

"Hi, guys." Percy waved.

The other Gryffindors echoed his greeting as we sat down beside them. 

"Who else did you say is supposed to be meeting us?" Harry asked, glancing towards the door.

"Just a couple of people." Hermione replied, "I told them to be here about now and I'm sure they all know where it is- oh look, this might be them now."

The door of the pub had opened. A thick band of dusty sunlight split the room in two for a moment and then vanished, blocked by the incoming rush of people. 

First came a cluster of Gryffindors I vaguely recognised, followed by a few Ravenclaws including Annabeth, Leo and Calypso, and then more Gryffindors, then Frank and Hazel accompanied by people I had never seen before, with Ginny Weasley thrown in the mix. Lastly came the Weasley twins with their friend, Lee Jordan. 

"A couple of people?" Harry asked Hermione hoarsely.

"Yes, well, the idea seemed quite popular." Hermione said happily, "Ron, pull up a few more chairs, won't you?"

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