{7} The Collection

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Our American guests were odd. Very very odd. They had been at Headquarters for a week now, but they still kept to themselves, whispering in small groups and stopping abruptly when any of us came too close. Sometimes at night, when I can't sleep, I can hear strange sounds coming from their rooms. Metallic sounds. Almost like they were sword fighting. Which was impossible because no one uses swords anymore, they were used in the Middle Ages. Nowadays people just use guns.

I feel like I could be good friends with some of them, especially Annabeth, but they're so wary of us. They jump when we enter a room quietly. I wonder what happened to them to make them so scared. Aside from that though, they seemed like pretty normal teenagers. It didn't take me long to figure out who was related to who, and who was dating, and then I explained it to Ron. Percy and Annabeth were dating, and so were Jason and Piper, Leo and Calypso, and Frank and Hazel. Nico and Hazel were siblings, although probably only half-siblings because they didn't look too similar. I had heard Jason mention his sister once too. The rest of them seemed like they were only children, which I suppose wasn't that odd in this day and age, but still kind of unusual for that many children over the age of ten to not have any siblings at all, at least not ones they talked about.

It was late afternoon, a week after they had arrived, and we- the Americans, Ron, Ginny, the Twins and me- were sitting in one of the sitting rooms just talking. Well, most of us were talking. Some of us were just watching creepily. Annabeth kept glancing at the clock on the wall from where she sat with cuddled up next to Percy. At 4:57 she stood up, pulling Percy with her.

"Wait, where are we going?" He asked, confused.

"You know..?" She turned to look at him.

He shrugged, and she sighed.

"To talk to...?"

He shrugged again.

"Starts with 'M', ends with 'S'." She hinted.

"Oh! Magnus."

She nodded, with a look on her face that said 'finally!'.

"Who's Magnus?" I inquired, eager to get information out of them.

"My cousin." Annabeth answered simply, "We were meant to talk to him before we came here, but we didn't get the chance."

"Oh." I said, disappointed.

It was such a normal thing to do.

"So, see you later." Annabeth waved goodbye as her and Percy left.

"Why is Percy going to talk to her cousin with her?" Ron wondered, bewildered.

"Because they can't do anything apart." Clarisse rolled her eyes.

"No," Piper chided, "Because he's friends with Magnus too."

"And you aren't?" Harry asked.

"Never met him." She shrugged.

The others murmured their agreement.

"May I interrupt?" Someone knocked politely on the open door.

It was Lupin.

"We aren't busy," Frank answered for all of us.

"I assume you have decided among yourselves who will be coming?" He asked, looking at the Americans.

They nodded collectively, before Piper replied.

"Jason and Frank."

"Well, we're going now, so..."

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