{6} The Order of the Phoenix

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For a place that was meant to be a top-secret headquarters, Grimmauld Place was depressing. It looked like where Dracula might live. The walls and the carpet were just so drab, and there were cobwebs everywhere. I shivered at the thought of all the monsters that could be lurking in the shadows. Almost as soon as we walked in the door two people, a boy and a girl, about 15, came running.

"Harry!" They called in excitement, before stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

Clearly, they had realised that there was far more than one person waiting for them, and that none of them were called Harry. I think. It's very possible that someone had a secret name or something. Ooo, lie they did in spy movies! And Harry would be like a code name and stand for something. What do they call them? An acronym? Yeah, that.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, backing up a few stairs.

"Ah, Miss Granger, Mr Weasley, I thought you might be waiting for Harry's arrival. I can assure that he will be here by the end of the summer, but in the meantime, I'm sure you can welcome some other guests."

"Guests, professor?" The boy sounded confused.

Clearly he hadn't been paying attention when Dumbly-door had been talking. Then again, I hadn't either.

"Dumbledore!" A red-haired woman exclaimed, hurrying down the hall.

"Hello Molly." He said kindly.

"Are these the exchange students?" She asked, smiling at them.

"Yes. I'm sorry to drop out so suddenly, but I really must get to the ministry."

"Of course, go right ahead. I'll get them settled."

"Thank you Molly."

With a swirl of his fancy robes, he vanished out the door.

It was very awkward after Dumbly-door left. The boy and girl just kinda stood there. Staring at us.

"Why don't you come with me my dears?" Molly offered.

With a murmur of mutual consent she lead us up two flights of stairs and down a hall. There were two unmarked doors there.

"This is the girls' room," She gestured to the door on the left, "And the boy's room." She gestured to the one on the right.

"Thank you." Annabeth smiled warmly at her.

"It's no problem my dear. If you need anything I'll be down in the kitchen. Your bags are already in the rooms."

With that, she disappeared back down the hall. Percy and Annabeth exchanged a long look. They had barely been apart since Tartarus. But when Jason lead the way into their room, Percy followed. It was a nice room, rather big. There were five identical beds, except for the trunks at the end.

"I call dibs on this one!" I yelled, jumping onto the middle bed.

"It's got your trunk at the end." Jason pointed out, "Of course it's yours."

"Mine." I insisted, and promptly set my hand on fire.

"Is that necessary?" Frank grumbled.

"Sorry." I apologised quickly.

There was a knock on the door. Due to our demigod instincts we were all super-duper paranoid and all reached for our weapons, or in my case a pack of peppermints. Stupid belt.

"Who is it?" Frank called, being the only one polite enough not to kill first, ask questions later.

"Ron." Came the muffled reply.

We all breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stashed our weapons (or breath mints) away before we let him in.


The room was nice, bare, but bare was nice. Each bed was identical, made neatly. The only difference were the trunks at the end of the beds.

"This is one of the larger rooms," Hermione commented.

I jumped. I hadn't realised that she had followed us in.

"Sorry if I scared you." She apologised, having noticed.

"It's fine." I shook it off.

"It's Hermione, right?" Annabeth asked, sitting down on her bed.

Hermione nodded.

"Just checking. What can you tell us about the Order?"

"You don't know what it is?" Hermione said suspiciously.

"We weren't really told anything outside of here, too easy for us to be overhead," I soothed her, "Dumbledore was going to tell us everything when we got here, but clearly he had something else to attend to."

"Yeah. I guess that makes sense."

I breathed heavily. It was clear charmspeak didn't work as well on the wizards.

"The Order of the Phoenix was established in the last wizarding war, to fight You-Know-Who. It's like an underground spy group, except with wizards."

"Who's in the order?" Calypso inquired thoughtfully.

"Lots of people. Mrs Weasley, Mr Weasley, Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Tonks, Lupin..." Hermione continued listing a whole bunch of people with odd-sounding names.

It wasn't until Annabeth next spoke that I realised why they sounded so odd.

"Why do you call them by their last names?"

"I guess it's just a formality," Hermione shrugged, "We've had quite a few of them as professors too, so I guess that also comes into it."

"Dinner!" I heard a faint call coming up from the ground floor.

"We should go," Hermione said, walking towards the door.

"Food." I agreed.

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