{31} O.W.Ls

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Despite being without some of their best players being out of commission, Gryffindor won the match against Ravenclaw. 

It was lucky that I hadn't been all that invested in the outcome of the match, as a lot of Ravenclaws seemed to have lost money from bets made on it. Leo was one of the ones who had raked in the most from it, having bet that Gryffindor would prove to be victorious. 

He hadn't expected to make so much from it - he admitted as much to me - but he certainly wasn't complaining. Luckily, most Ravenclaws quickly forgot all about it as we were swamped with studying leading up to our O.W.Ls. 

A lot of the other demigods - namely Leo and Clarisse - weren't bothering to study. Their argument was that it didn't matter what the outcome of the exams were, they had no use for them, which was technically true, but it looked quite suspicious to everyone else. 

Time seemed to slip away in the days approaching the exams. We hadn't had much time to gather and discuss everything that was going on. It was arguably more urgent, but we simply didn't have the time. Besides, tensions between the houses were at an all time high, and it was hard to talk to someone from another house without facing lashback. 

We got to talk a bit in class, though, and Leo would sometimes relay information from them. He had also made a killing in a flourishing black market trade of what were essentially magical ways to cheat. Most of them, of course, were fake. But that apparently wasn't common knowledge, as Leo always seemed to be in short supply.

When Exam Week finally arrived, the halls were filled with a fragile tension exacerbated by the obvious hostility between certain houses. 

Our first exam was Charms Theory, followed in the afternoon by its corresponding practical exam. I did fairly well on them both, not as well as Hermione or Annabeth, but enough for at least a passing grade. 

The next day was the Transfiguration Theory and Practical exams, which I also did passably well in. 

Wednesday was Herbology, which I knew I passed with flying colours, and then on Thursday we had Defense Against the Dark Arts, which I also excelled at. In addition to the DA, defensive and offensive spells that been what I had focused on, at the suggestion of Annabeth. As demigods, any extra trick we could throw at monsters was greatly appreciated. Even though I wasn't technically a demigod, I still had to worry about the same threats. 

On Friday, I only had Ancient Runes. Unsurprisingly, I was good at that class. Afterall, some of what they called 'ancient', I had grown up with. I spent the rest of the weekend studying for Potions, on Monday. Potions was one of my favourite subjects, aside from Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures, as it reminded me of my old life on Ogygia. Sure, I had been trapped there, but it had been a nice prison, and it had been my home. 

Not that I would go back.

Tuesday was devoted to Care of Magical Creatures, which was both fun and easy - at least for me. Some of the others seemed to struggle. Like Clarisse, who got burnt by a Fire Crab and then managed to break its shell. 

We had our Astronomy Theory paper on Wednesday morning, followed by Divination, both of which I thought went reasonably well. Then on Wednesday night we had our practical Astronomy exam. 

We all convened at the Astronomy tower at eleven o'clock. We all set up our telescopes and began to fill in our star charts as two of the examiners, Professors Tofty and Marchbanks, walked amongst us. 

I ignored the stab in my heart when my eyes fell on a constellation that Annabeth and Percy had pointed out to me - one of a huntress running through the sky. Zoe and I had parted on less than good terms, but she had still been my sister, and the fact that I would never see her again hurt. 

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