{25} St. Mungo's

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We had almost made it to Christmas. The year was half done, and we hadn't messed anything up yet, I thought proudly as I ate breakfast at the Ravenclaw table. 

Leo and Calypso were sitting opposite me, squabbling playfully about something or rather when I noticed Percy enter the Great Hall. His eyes found me immediately, but they didn't look as bright as usual. 

I frowned, putting my fork down. He reached us swiftly, placing his hand on the table beside me and leaning over. He didn't dare to sit down, as just that was garnering some odd looks from other Ravenclaws. 

"Harry and the Weasleys are gone." He informed us in a low voice. 

My eyes widened, and Leo looked like he almost set himself on fire by accident. 

"What?" He frowned, "I thought you people said this place was safe? You liars." 

I rolled my eyes. 

"What happened?" I asked calmly. 

"Harry had a dream. He was screaming and writhing in his sleep, and when he woke up he said that Mr Weasley had been attacked. McGonagall came and took him and Ron to see Dumbledore, and then this morning we found out that the other Weasleys were gone as well." Percy explained, "McGonagall pulled Jason, Clarisse and I aside and told us that they had been taken to you-know-where and that we'd be joining them when the term ended, and to tell you guys." 

Just then, a group of young Ravenclaws passed us, giggling.

"That might be my cue to leave." Percy sighed.

He kissed my forehead quickly and then darted back to the Gryffindor table. 

"Ooo." Leo teased, earning a smack on the head from Calypso.

I smiled slightly as I resumed eating my breakfast, but my mind was still fixated on the dream. What did it mean? Was Harry some sort of seer? There were so many unknowns. 

One thing was for sure though- it spelled bad things for the future.


Christmas at Number 12 Grimmauld Place arrived quickly. The morning was filled with presents, great food and bright colours, but for us demigods, it was tinged with sadness. Several of us had families we would prefer to spend Christmas with, and the others were used to Christmas at Camp, whether that be Camp Jupiter or Camp Half-Blood. 

In the late morning, we all set out to visit St Mungo's. It was the first time I had heard of it, but Harry and the Weasleys had been before, to see Mr Weasley. We were going this time as well, even though I didn't really know why. Did they just not want to leave us at headquarters?

No matter the reason, we still spent a hilarious amount of time trying to figure out the British- or Muggle- transport systems. When we eventually did arrive at the entrance to St Mungo's, I honestly believed that they were just trying to prank us- and then the mannequin moved. 

And then, poof, we were in a waiting room that looked similar to muggle ones, except for all the magical flourishes, like the oddly named magazines on the end table and some people with rather... odd maladies. 

Once Mrs Weasley had gotten directions to Mr Weasley's new ward, we were led through a winding series of passageways, lined with portraits of dead wizards spouting what sounded like nonsense. 

Eventually, we reached Mr Weasley's ward, we all had to crowd in. He was propped in bed with the remains of a turkey dinner on his plate, looking rather sheepish. 

"Everything all right, Arthur?" Mrs Weasley asked once they had exchanged gifts. 

"Fine, fine," Mr Weasley replied, a little too heartily, "You- er- haven't seen Healer Smethwyck, have you?" 

"No," Mrs Weasley said suspiciously, "Why?" 

"Nothing, nothing." Mr Weasley said airily, "Well, everyone had a good day? What did you get for Christmas? Oh, Harry- this is absolutely wonderful!"

Mr Weasley beamed as he showed off Harry's gift of fuse-wire and screwdrivers. Mrs Weasley didn't seem satisfied with his answer, peered at her husband's bandages as he leaned over to shake Harry's hand. 

"Arthur," She said sharply, "You've had your bandages changed. Why have they been changed a day early? They told me they wouldn't need doing until tomorrow."

"What?" Mr Weasley said, looking rather frightened and pulling the sheets higher up his chest, "No, no, it's nothing- I-"

He seemed to deflate under Mrs Weasley's piercing glare.

"Well- now, don't get upset, Molly, but, Augustus Pye had an idea... he's the Trainee Healer, you know, lovely young chap and very interested in... um... complementary medicine... I mean, some of these old Muggle remedies... well, they're called stitches, Molly, and they work very well on Muggle wounds-"

Mrs Weasley made an ominous noise somewhere between a shriek and a snarl. 

And then everyone left to go get some tea.

= = = 

We left St Mungo's sometime later, with Mrs Weasley still red in the face. The trip back was far more subdued, at least partially due to us learning about the state of Neville's parents. 

I was trailing at the very back, with Annabeth. We weren't talking, just relishing in the presence of the other. We didn't have many classes together at Hogwarts, and we were in separate houses. The most time we spent together was in the DA. 

A sudden strangled cry from behind me broke the silence, and I whirled around, reaching for Riptide. I didn't have a chance to do anything, however, before the world went black. 

A/N: Sorry this chapter's a day late and kinda short- my house kinda sorta flooded. But, look, a cliffhanger. 

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