{32} Saved By the Huntress

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We were in trouble, and it was all Harry's fault. 

After he spazzed out in our History of Magic exam and insisted on contacting Sirius to make sure he was all right, and we got caught, because of course we did, I had to save us. 

However, it was debatable how well that had worked, because now Harry and I were accompanying Umbridge to the forest to find a 'weapon' while Ron, Neville, Ginny and Luna were being held captive by the Inquisitorial Squad. 

I kept wondering what would happen to us if this backfired. If the centaurs didn't react the way I thought they would. Were they the ones who had shot those arrows at Umbridge during our Astronomy exam? 

It was the only logical explanation I could come up with, but somehow I didn't think it was true. There was someone else in the forest - or rather, several someones. 

I think the Americans know more than they're letting on. I overheard some of them talking following the attack on Hagrid and McGonagall, and although I didn't understand most of what they were saying, even though they were speaking in English, I got the feeling that they knew more than they were letting on, which was why I hadn't suggested involving them in our little scheme, but now I was regretting it. 

They were all physically stronger than us, from what I knew, even Hazel. They would've been useful, even if I didn't entirely trust them. 

"How much further?" Umbridge demanded, breaking my train of thought.

"Not far now!" I shouted back, hoping that someone would hear us, "Just a little bit-"

Suddenly, an arrow flew through the air and landed with a menacing thud in the tree just above my head. The air was suddenly filled with the sound of hooves, but I was momentarily distracted studying the arrow. It lacked the strange glow of the arrows we had seen the other night, which could mean nothing, or it could confirm that someone else was here in the forest. 

"Who are you?" A centaur demanded as a group of at least fifty surrounded them, pushing them closer together. 

Umbridge was cowering and whimpering, trembling violently as she pointed her wand at the advancing centaur. 

"I asked you who you are, human." The centaur - I'm fairly sure his name was Magorian - repeated. 

"I am Dolores Umbridge! Senior Undersecretary to the Minister for Magic and Headmistress and High Inquisitor of Hogwarts." 

"You are from the Ministry of Magic?" Magorian asked, causing many of the centaurs to shift restlessly.

"That's right! So be very careful! By the laws laid down by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, any attach by half breeds such as yourselves on a human-"

"What did you call us?" A wild-looking black centaur - Bane - shouted. 

"Don't call them that," I said furiously. 

Umbridge didn't pay any heed to me or the centaurs and continued on.

"Law Fifteen B states clearly that 'any attack by a magical creature who is deemed to have near-human intelligence, and therefore considered responsible for its actions-'"

"Near human intelligence?" Magorian repeated dangerously, as several other centaurs roared, "We consider that a great insult, human! Our intelligence, thankfully, outstrips your own."

"What are you doing in our Forest?" Another centaur bellowed, "Why are you here?"

"Your Forest? I would remind you that you live here only because the Ministry of Magic permits you certain areas of land-"

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