{33} Ministry of Magic

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"Who was that?" Ron asked, studying the trees where the girl had disappeared. 

"She said her name was Storm," Hermione replied, her eyes still fixed on Jason. 

"She saved us," Harry added. 

"Where's Umbridge?" Neville asked, "Not that I really care, but... you know."

"With the Centaurs." Hermione answered, "Storm basically offered her up as a sacrifice."

Ron whistled, seeming impressed. 

"Who's Thalia?" Hermione inquired at last, still staring at Jason. 

He exchanged a glance with the group, most of whom just shrugged, myself included. Even Annabeth seemed willing to leave it to him. 

"She's my sister," Jason answered.

"You have a sister?" Ron asked.

"What's your sister doing in the woods?" Hermione frowned. 

"She's the head of a forest cult," Leo said gravely, causing Calypso to elbow him. 

"He's kidding," Jason assured them, having noticed their alarmed looks. 

"Am I though?" Leo muttered, earning another elbow from his girlfriend. 

"His sister doesn't matter. We need to get to the Ministry!" Harry insisted, drawing the attention back to him.

"So, it's true?" Ron asked, "You-Know-Who has Sirius?"

"Yes." Harry said gravely, "And I'm sure he's still alive, but we need to get to him - and fast." 

"Well, we'll have to fly, won't we?" Luna said matter-of-factly. 

"Okay," Harry replied irritably, "First of all, we aren't doing anything  if you're including yourself in that, and second of all, Ron's the only one with a broomstick that isn't being guarded by a security troll, so-"

"I've got a broom!" Ginny pointed out. 

"Yeah, but you're not coming." Ron fired back. 

"Excuse me, but I care about what happens to Sirius as  much as you do!"

"You're too-" Harry began, only to be cut off. 

"I'm three years older than you were when you fought You-Know-Who over the Philosopher's stone." 

"Yeah, but-"

"We were all in the DA together," Neville said quietly, "It was all supposed to be about fighting You-Know-Who, wasn't it? And this is the first chance we've had to do something real - or was that all just a game or something?

"No - of course, it wasn't - but-" 

"We can fight, Harry," Annabeth said levelly, "This isn't our first tangle with evil. If you don't take them, at least take us. We can take care of ourselves. So can they, for that matter." 

"We want to help," Neville added. 

Luna and Ginny nodded in agreement. Harry gritted his teeth, looking extremely annoyed. 

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway. We still have no way to get there."

"I thought we'd settled that," Luna said, "We're flying." 

"Look," Ron said angrily, "You might be able to fly without a broomstick, but the rest of us can't sprout wings whenever we please."

"There are ways of flying aside from broomsticks," Luna said serenely. 

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