{15} The Grand Tour

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The two prefects for Ravenclaw house, Padma Patil and Anthony Goldstein took us along with the first years, which we technically were on a brief tour through the castle, although it was only the landmarks on the way to Ravenclaw tower.

The door was opened by answering a riddle. I could see Leo look alarmed at the prospect, along with quite a few of the first years. I rolled my eyes and exchanged a look with Calypso. Things had been strained between us at first, but we were becoming friends. Slowly but surely. I think Percy had been madder at her than I had been, but at the same time, he still felt a lot of guilt about how everything had gone down.

The Ravenclaw Common Room walls were hung with blue and bronze silks, the domed ceiling painted with stars. I had a feeling I knew who had suggested the starry sky in the Great Hall now. The carpet was midnight blue, which in most rooms which simply look foul, but this room managed to pull it off. There was also a statue of a woman who I assumed was Rowena Ravenclaw herself, wearing a delicate-looking diadem.

I studied it for a long moment, my eyes lingering on the diadem. Calypso nudged me, indicating that we should follow Padma. I followed quietly, but couldn't resist a glance back at the statue. Something about it seemed important, I just didn't know what.

Calypso and I ended up in the Year 5 girls' dorm. Two extra beds had been set up, and our trunks were already there. In addition to Padma, there were four other girls in the dormitory. One introduced herself as Isabel MacDougal. She was a subdued looking girl whose attention quickly turned back to her book. Lisa Turpin was another, who returned to chatting with Padma after introducing herself. Sue Li didn't pay much attention to us, as she was busy sketching on a piece of parchment. The last girl was Amanda Brocklehurst, or Mandy as she insisted we call her. She bounced around us as we got ready for bed, talking animatedly about everything and anything.

It was mildly irritating, but it was good to know that some people in the castle were happy to have us here.


Hannah Abbott and Ernie MacMillan were the prefects for Hufflepuff, Frank and I quickly learnt. Along with the first-year students, we were treated to a guided tour to the Hufflepuff Dormitory. It was down in the basement, and we passed a painting of fruit that Hannah noted was the entrance to the kitchens.

Ernie tapped the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff' on the barrel two from the barrel, middle of the second row. It vanished, revealing a tunnel that led to the Common Room.

It was a very cozy looking room, with plants seemingly everywhere, and plenty of comfy sofas and chairs that a few students were already relaxing in. The view from the windows was one of dandelions and rippling grass. The room as a whole was large, round and had low ceilings. It was the kind of place that made you feel at home.

Ernie and Hannah directed the first years towards their own dorms, before guiding Frank and me towards the fifth year dorms. One girl was already asleep when we got inside, but the others greeted me warmly. Hannah settled down next to Megan, patting the spot next to her.

"Come on. The first night we always spend catching up. Well, except for Allie, but she has to get up really early, so she always the first asleep."

"Thanks." I smiled, a warm feeling in my chest.

I hoped the rest of my friends were having a good time as I was.

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