{9} If I Never See Another Speck of Dust, It'll Be Too Soon

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After everything that had happened at dinner, when the adults had to tell us, or more specifically the wizard children about what the Order was doing, Mrs Weasley was patrolling the corridor. This wouldn't be a problem, except for the fact that Percy, Annabeth or Nico, sometimes all three, wake up screaming from nightmares in the middle of the night. Nico has his own ways of coping with it, but Percy and Annabeth, their way of coping was each other. And with Mrs Weasley being on patrol, there was no way for Annabeth to sneak into the boy's room or Percy to sneak into the girl's like they usually did. I could see Annabeth's shadow, as her bed was beside mine, and her grey eyes were wide open. She wasn't going to sleep. I wanted to comfort her, but I also didn't want to be caught by Mrs Weasley. She was nice but scary at times.

Eventually, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until probably between midnight and 1, when I heard the door open and close quietly. Looking at the bed beside mine, I realised that Mrs Weasley must've finally gone to bed, and Annabeth had snuck into the boy's room. I smiled, happy that she could finally sleep, and rolled over, falling back asleep.


It was around dawn when I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping. I yawned, stretching. It was strange not to have to be up so early in the morning like we usually did at Camp Jupiter. I glanced over to the far side of the room, where I saw something that made me smile. Annabeth had obviously been able to sneak in last night after Mrs Weasley went to bed, and her and Percy were curled up together. I tiptoed out of the room to grab an early shower and get changed.

I banged into Harry in the hallway on the way back. My hair was still wet and sticking up strangely.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

When he didn't say anything, I realised he was staring at my SPQR t-shirt.

"Uh..." I stuttered.

"I guess your 'school' likes putting its logo on a lot of things, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged awkwardly, desperate to get back to my room.

"What's your 'school' like?"

"It's... strict. Disciplined."

"Do you learn a lot?"

I nodded.

"How come you are all different ages, but I heard you're all going into the same year, my year, at Hogwarts?"

"Um... we don't go by age, at our schools. We go by the amount of time we've spent there. Some of us have been there since we were really young, others haven't."

It was Harry's turn to nod.

"Hey, um, I need to get back to my room..." I trailed off.

Harry simply nodded again, returning to his room, while I returned to mine, relieved I hadn't given anything away.


I thought that the whole point of living at the headquarters was that we could sleep in, not be woken up at 8 in the morning to clean. I mean 8 in the morning, come on, who was usually up before then? Apparently everyone except me. Freaks, the lot of them. Clearly, they do not understand what the words 'sleep' and 'in' mean when they're put together.

So when I- apparently finally- went into the kitchen/dining room for breakfast, everyone else was already finished.

"Where have you been Leo?" Calypso chastised.

"Sleeping." I replied in a 'duh' voice.

"All this time," Percy said doubtfully.

"Yeah, man. I need my beauty rest."

The demigods all snorted. The wizards sat there staring at us like old men. Or women.

"So, Annabeth, Percy," I began, sitting down, "How did you like 'talking to Annabeth's cousin' for like an hour yesterday?"

"Why do you people always say it like that?" Percy groaned, "We were talking to Annabeth's cousin."

"For an hour," I answered dubiously.


"About what?"

"I dunno... stuff." Percy stuttered.

"What kinda stuff? Like baseball games?"

"Uh..." Percy glanced at Annabeth, who rolled her eyes.

"Starts with 'R', ends with 'K'. Any of you who pay attention will know what I'm talking about."

Around the table, I could only see Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank and Nico looking like they knew what she was talking about. I pouted as I scoffed down my food, knowing that none of them would just straight out tell me.

After breakfast, Mrs Weasley had us separate into little groups and clean different rooms. I was with Calypso- thank the gods- Harry, Ron, Frank, Hazel and Death Boy. Calypso, Frank and Hazel got to work immediately, like good children. I messed around, really wanting to set fire to something, Nico sulked in the corner, and Harry and Ron were whispering in another corner like those teenage girls you see in movies. Nothing interesting happened until lunchtime unless you count Calypso practically yelling at us to help. When we took a break for lunch there was a commotion downstairs, causing us all to rush out of our various rooms to see what it was. We were all hanging over the balcony when the real threat took us by surprise, and suddenly I was covered in dust. I looked up, coughing, to see the others doing the same, with most of them glaring at the red-headed twins behind us.

"I'm going to get them back for that," I smirked.

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