{34} He's Back

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What happened next was a blur. I could faintly remember Harry talking to Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, us blowing up the surrounding shelves of prophecies (something that I got far too much joy out of), running off and splitting up, which resulted in an odd encounter with a baby-headed Death Eater for me, the hurried reunion with the others and Ron getting smothered by a brain, running into the Death Veil room, the rush of relief when the Order arrived, only to have that swept away by the stress of the ongoing battle, in which us demigods were severely disadvantaged while under strict orders not to reveal ourselves, and the arrival of Dumbledore.

But time stood still when Sirius fell backwards through the veil. Bellatrix's cackle rang through the air as Harry cried out for his godfather, lunging towards the archway. Lupin grabbed him around the chest, pulling him away and keeping him there. 

"There's nothing you can do, Harry-" I heard Lupin reason. 

"Get him, save him, he's only just gone through!"

"-it's too late, Harry."

"We can still reach him-" Harry protested, struggling in vain. 

"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."

"He hasn't gone!" Harry yelled, "Sirius! SIRIUS!" 

"He can't come back, Harry," Lupin pleaded, "He can't come back because he's-"

"No! He's not dead!"

"He is." Percy said, "But-"

"No!" Harry screamed, "You don't get to lecture me on this! Who have you lost?"

Percy winced, his eyes flashing with sorrow and maybe a bit of irritation. 

"My mother's dead," Jason said from where he was sitting on the ground, tending to his own broken ankle, "I've lost count of the number of friends and well, classmates, I've seen met the same fate."

"Yeah," Percy agreed sombrely, "Beckendorf. Bianca."

"Zoe." Annabeth added, causing Calypso to brush tears away, "Silena. Luke." 

"Michael. Lee. Ethan." Percy continued, "Bob. Small Bob. Damasen."

"Dozens of Hunters." Nico muttered, "And Amazons."

"And Hazel." Leo added, jokingly.

The girl in question shot him a dirty look, nodding at Harry with a 'don't blow this' expression on her face. Thankfully, Harry seemed to have calmed down, and looked mildly guilty for what he had said. 

"Harry... I'b really sorry..." Neville said, his legs still dancing uncontrollably and blood dripping from his broken nose, "Was dad man - was Sirius Black a - a friend of yours?" 

The dark haired boy nodded. 

"Here," Lupin said quietly, pointing his wand at Neville's legs, "Finite." 

Neville's legs stilled. 

"Let's find the others. Where are they all?" Lupin asked. 

"They're all back there," I answered, "Ron got attacked by a brain, and Hermione's unconscious, but we're pretty sure they're still alive. Ginny did something to her ankle." 

"So did, Jason." Lupin observed. 

"I got hit by a spell - I'm not sure which one - and flew into the wall. I'm lucky I just broke my ankle." Jason explained. 

He made a move to stand, his ankle wobbling dangerously before I managed to wrap an arm around him to keep him upright. 

There was a loud bang and a yell from the dias. As I whipped my head around, I could saw Kingsley hit the floor and Bellatrix bolt. Dumbledore turned as well, firing a spell at her back which she easily deflected. 

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