{14} There's a Talking Hat! - Part 3

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"Levesque, Hazel." Professor McGonagall readout.

Frank gave me a reassuring nod as I climbed the stairs to the stool. I sat down nervously, the hat placed on my head a moment later.



Don't worry, I'm in your head.

You're supposed to sort me, right?

That is what it says in the job description. Now, you, you are an old soul. Quite literally. Gentle and kind, in a way that is rare these days. Brave, there's no doubt about that, but in this case, I think that Hufflepuff might be the best fit.

I recalled what Annabeth had said about the house. They were the ones with the yellow and black flag with the badger. The kind ones.

That sounds nice. Thank you.

Spoken like a true Hufflepuff. 


The yellow table cheered loudly as I stood up and hurried over to them, flashing my friends a soft smile as I passed them.


"McLean, Piper."

My hands fell back to my sides from where the had been fiddling with the harpy feather at the end of my braid. Almost instinctively I climbed the stairs and sat down on the stool, staring ahead as the professor placed the old hat on my head.

There would be three of you left after this, no?

Three after me.

I responded automatically before I realized that the voice I was hearing, I was the only one hearing.

Don't worry, you're not crazy. I'm just here to sort you.

It feels like I'm going to end up getting heavily judged.

It is not my job to judge, simply to tell the truth.

There's often not much of a difference in my experience.

I guess we'll see about that. Cunning, resourceful, courageous, loyal, determined, creative, quick-witted. So many places you could go. Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. The choice is yours child.

Not Gryffindor. There are already too many of us there. Frank will probably end up in Hufflepuff, and Leo in Ravenclaw. Slytherin is the smartest choice.

Indeed. Now, was that so hard.

I didn't get a chance to respond.



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