{11} Hogwarts the Magnificent

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After spending hours stuck in an enclosed environment with the American Exchange students, I decided that I never wanted to do that again. It appeared that each and every one of them had ADHD, even Annabeth and Hazel who seemed so calm compared to some of the others *cough* Leo *cough*.

When we finally reached Hogwarts, they spilled out the carriage almost immediately, all looking very relieved to no longer be confined to such a small space. I was about to ask them if they were taking the carriages with us when I noticed that there was a spooky addition to them this year. Dark, skeletal horses. They reminded me of Nico.

"What are those?" I asked blankly, pointing at them.

"What are you on about mate? There's nothing there." Ron frowned.

"Harry, are you feeling alright?" Hermione worried, looking concerned.

"I'm fine. Can't you see them? They're pulling the carriages."

"The carriages are pulling themselves like always," Hermione told him.

Her and Ron send him worried glances before heading over to the nearest carriage.

"Don't worry, you're not crazy. I can see them too." Luna assured me dreamily, drifting past me.

Somehow that isn't comforting, I thought but followed her nonetheless.


None of the Hogwarts students paid us a second glance as they hurried past us. We had no idea where to go, and there didn't appear to be anyone to ask. Except for the other students of course, but they weren't any more likely to know than us.

"First years! First years over here please!" A woman called, her voice rising over the crowd.

"Should we go over to her?" Calypso asked, struggling to be heard above the train.

Murmurs of agreement rose from the group and we began to battle through the crowd to reach the teacher.

She was a stern-looking woman but seemed kind at the same time. A crowd of eleven-year-olds surrounded her.

"You must be the exchange students, yes?" She inquired once she noticed us.

"Yes," Annabeth answered promptly, "Do we follow you to the school?"

"That is what Professor Dumbledore told me. Come along now."

The first years began to make their way down a well-trodden path, us following behind. After a minute or so we arrived beside a large lake, with small wooden boats drifting by the shore. My face lit up, but I could see Jason, Nico and Hazel visibly pale. My dad might not try to kill them, but he wasn't necessarily going to make the trip easy for them.

When the teacher told us that it was four to a boat, instead of ending up with Annabeth like I would have liked, I ended up with Hazel, Nico and Jason all in my boat. Oh well. Even if Dad decided to make like harder for them, the worst thing that could happen was that I could get dumped in the lake.

The boats set sail of their own accord, a fact I found to be very interesting. I leaned over the side of the boat with the intention of catching a glimpse of some of the sea life. I was met with a lovely view of a kelp forest, with only flashes of movement that could have been anything.

I was so focused on trying to see what the sea animals were that I didn't get my first glimpse of Hogwarts the way everyone else did. Instead, I heard the gasps of awe and amazement as the boats turned a corner, and Annabeth rambling about how beautiful it was.

"Look at the architecture, it's magnificent. The way the towers are built, the window frames..."

I lost focus after that, as she went on to say some words I wasn't even sure were actually words. Eventually, we stopped inside a small cove. The teacher hopped off the boat first before turning to face us all.

"Welcome to Hogwarts."

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