{29} Valhalla

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I knew something was up the moment I saw Percy enter the Great Hall. 

His eyes sought me out immediately, which wasn't unusual, but the moment my gaze locked with his, I knew something was up.

Instead of him coming over to the Ravenclaw table again, I slipped away to join him. I wasn't sure if Calypso or Leo noticed, as they were busy playfully bickering again, but they wouldn't question me if they did. 

"Harry had another dream." Percy whispered to me the moment I was within range. 

I grabbed him by the sleeve and practically dragged him out of the hall, away from prying eyes and ears. 

Once we were far enough away - several corridors down in an empty classroom - I let go of his arm.

"Explain." I ordered, crossing my arms over my chest.

"He said that he was on a mountaintop," Percy replied, not looking even a little fazed, "And then two people dragged someone to an altar, and then a third appeared. The boy tried to fight, and took down one, but was killed." 

"That's got to be traumatic for a kid that's not used to them." I sympathised. 

"Yeah," Her boyfriend agreed, but he looked preoccupied, "But, Annabeth-"

"What?" I asked, my tone suddenly sharper and warier. 

"He recalled something that one of them had said to the boy."

"Stop beating around the bush."

"Harry said that the boy was called Nilo - and then was referred to as a son of Tyr. I'm pretty sure that's a god, but do you-"

"Tyr was - is - the Norse God of Justice, amongst other things." I replied, my mind whirling. 

"Oh. Oh - Annabeth, Harry also said the boy was called a 'sacrifice'." 

"That's not good."

"I got that much."

"No, Percy, that's not good, because that's what's been happening to the missing demigods." 

"They're dead? All of them?"

"Probably. But what are they being sacrificed for? Who to? And who's doing it?"

Percy shrugged helplessly. 

"I don't know. Only they would, I guess. And it's not like we can talk to them."

"That's it!" I exclaimed, snapping my fingers in a eureka moment, "That's it, Percy."

"Uh, what?"

"A child of a Norse god, who died in battle. What are the odds he'd end up-"

"In Valhalla." He finished, looking excited, "Can you ask Magnus?" 

"I'm out of drachmas." I admitted.

"So am I. Do you think the others have any?"

I shook my head. I knew for a fact that we had used up our supply over the holidays, IMing all sorts of people. 

"We could go to Dumbledore." Percy suggested, "See if he has any." 

"Or, we could go to him for permission to go to Boston and see Magnus in person. That might work better." 

"Do you think he'll let us?" 

"This goes beyond missing a few classes, Percy. This is a matter of life and death." 

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