{13} There's a Talking Hat! - Part 2

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I held my head high as I ascended the steps to the old hat. I didn't trust it, but it wasn't like I had much of a choice. I turned to sit down, suddenly realising that the entire school was staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably, not liking the attention, but I didn't have much time to dwell on it before the hat was placed on my head.

Another one? Well, isn't this my lucky day.

I resisted the urge to look around me for someone whispering in my ear. I knew that the voice was in my head, but that didn't make it any less unsettling.

Can we just get this over with?

So impatient these days. But I suppose it is my job.

There was a brief pause in which nothing seemed to happen until I felt an odd sensation like my head was a book that someone had stolen and was skimming through. I gritted my teeth. Of course, this would happen. It took every ounce of self-control not to rip the hat off my head then and there. We had to keep up appearances. Although if this hat went poking somewhere it really shouldn't, then all of that would go out the window. I wasn't going to have my privacy violated in such a way just for the sake of a quest.

So many things, you are. Cunning and resourceful, like a Slytherin. Brave, loyal and kind, no matter what you want others to think, like a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff. I suppose now, the choice is up to you.

I glanced around the room. The red, the yellow and the green tables were the ones the hat had pointed out. I immediately shied away from the Hufflepuffs. As much as I liked Will, I definitely couldn't handle living with an entire house of people like him. The Gryffindors didn't seem like the right place for me either. It would be an entire house of Percys and Jasons. I didn't need that. And that only left...


"Slytherin!" The hat called aloud.

The professor removed it from my head a moment later and I basically bolted. I really did not like that hat.


Almost immediately after Nico left, Professor McGonagall called my name. I did exactly what Annabeth and Nico had done and climbed the stairs to sit on the rickety stool.



I didn't know why I replied to the hat, maybe instinct, but it took a moment for me to realise that I was talking to a hat. In my head. I was just lucky that it wasn't the strangest thing I had ever encountered.

Ohhh, finally, an easy one.

What do you mean 'easy'?

Brave, chivalrous, loyal, a true Gryffindor.

I didn't get a chance to reply before the hat spoke aloud.


The red table erupted into cheers as I stood and made my way over to them.


I ascended the stairs as Jason descended them. The teacher barely had time to call out my name before I sat down. The hat was placed on my head just like it had been placed on the others. By now I could guess what was probably going to happen, but it didn't make it any less unnerving when it did.

How many more of there are you?

Percy did a quick headcount in his head.

After me? Six.

Just my luck. Extra work. Luckily your minds are much more exciting than that of eleven-year-olds.

Thanks... I think.

Hmm, now what do we have here?

I held back a shiver as I felt the hat come through my mind.

Not a Ravenclaw I wouldn't think, and yes, resourceful like a Slytherin, but you lack their other traits. Gryffindor or Hufflepuff then. Loyal, kind, brave, fair, a good friend, you'd fit either. So like I've said many times tonight, it's now up to you. Red or yellow?

I looked between the two of them. They both had their pros, and honestly, I was tempted to pick Hufflepuff, but then I remembered why we were here. Harry Potter had something to do with it, and we needed to get closer to him. Annabeth had said we needed to spread out amongst the houses, but even if we were spread evenly, they'd still be more people in two of the houses. No doubt people like Hazel and Frank would end up in Hufflepuff, so in this case I decided to listen to my gut rather than my girlfriend. Which was probably a bad idea, as that almost always ended in disaster, but it was a choice I made and I would have to live with the consequences.


"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted again.

I grinned as the red table erupted into another round of cheers.


I aimed a kick at Prissy as I passed him, but he managed to dodge and instead of falling flat on his dorky face he shot me a cocky grin. I scowled at him, muttering threats under my breath. I may mildly tolerate him, but that didn't mean I had to be nice to him.

The hat was plonked down on my head unceremoniously. I had no doubt that was because the teacher had seen my attempt to trip that Kelp Head up.

An angry one. Fun.

Do your job and get out of my head.

Even in your thoughts you still manage to radiate anger. Intriguing.

I'll throw you into the fire hat.

Okay, okay. Well, not a Ravenclaw, that's for sure. They tend to have more tact than that. Cunning and resourceful, like a Slytherin. A bit of ambition too. A kind heart balances it out, no matter what act you put on. You've been hurt. Brave, stupidly so sometimes. Reckless. You'd make a good Gryffindor. The choice is now in your hands.

Which one punches things?

The Gryffindors tend to be more rough and tumble.

Then I chose that one.


And so I stood, cracking my knuckles while grinning maniacally at my new comrades. This year was going to be better than I thought.

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