{26} Anyone Want a Ribena?

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The first thing I did when I woke up was reach for my dagger. 

It took me until my hand closed around its hilt to realise that instead of being in your typical monster lair, I was in an old fashioned looking apartment- and that a family blonde was sitting on a chair opposite me, twirling the pink ends of her hair between her fingers. 

"Sadie?" I asked, my voice slightly raspy. 

The girl looked up and smiled, getting to her feet.

"Good, you're awake."

"What's going on?"

"Well, we, uh, kinda kidnapped you two." Sadie admitted.

"We? Two?" I questioned, before studying the room and finding Percy slumped over in a chair on the other side of the room. 

"Carter, Zia, Walt and I." Sadie answered.

"Who are Zia and Walt?" 

"Walt's my boyfriend. Pretty sure I've mentioned him to you before, he's the host of Anubis. And Zia is Carter's girlfriend. She's waaaay out of his league, and she's the host of Ra, or, sometimes she is." 

"Right, now, circling back to what you said before, why did you kidnap us?" 

"We needed a quick way to get only you two away from the people you were with."

"And you couldn't have thought of any other way?" 

"Well, maybe with a little more time. But I kinda jumped the gun a little bit." 

"Sadie." I sighed, "Do you know how much our friends are going to be freaking out?" 

"I do now. But- in my defence, this is really important." 

Just then, across the room, Percy jolted awake. He looked around wildly before his eyes settled on me, and he visibly relaxed. 

Then his eyes shifted to Sadie. 

"What's going on?" 

"She kidnapped us," I explained before Sadie could say anything, "Brought us to who knows where, for some unknown reason." 

"Okay, first of all, we kidnapped you. Second, this is my grandparents' apartment. We managed to convince to spend the afternoon elsewhere. And I'm getting to the third." 

"I'm listening." Percy said, standing and moving to sit beside me. 

"Oi, Carter!" Sadie yelled, "They're awake."

I could hear several sets of footsteps make their way through the apartment towards us. Moments later, Carter Kane appeared, followed by a girl, who I assumed was Zia, and a boy, who I assumed was Walt. 

"Did you tell them everything?" Sadie asked her brother, gesturing at the two other magicians.

"Yes. I can't believe you saddled me with that job, of all things." Carter grumbled. 

"Clearly I'm just smarter than you." 

Carter scoffed. 

"We should explain what's going on to them." The girl cut in. 

"Right." Sadie said, shooting her brother a snarky look, "Guys, this is Zia and Walt. Zia and Walt, this is Percy and Annabeth." 

The four of them muttered muted greetings. 

"We have a problem." Carter started. 

"I think they figured that out, Sherlock." Sadie hissed. 

He ignored her. 

"Some of our magicians, from all across the world, have been-"

"Vanishing." I finished for him.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Sadie frowned.

Percy and I exchanged a gloomy glance.

"A few weeks ago, the Hunters of Artemis told us that some of their hunters have been vanishing as well, seemingly into thin air." I explained.

"That's not good." Zia murmured. 

"Way to state the obvious." Sadie said.

"No, if it was just affecting one group or another, that would be one thing. But it's affecting both. Whoever is behind it has knowledge of both magicians and demigods, which means that there's a higher chance of them being of divine power." 

I felt cold dread fill me. If they knew of Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, what were the chances that they knew of the Norse as well. Granted, Magnus was already dead, but I made a mental note to IM him when we got back to Number 12 Grimmauld Place, and Chiron as well. 

"This on top of the wizards," Percy grumbled.

"Wizards?" Sadie seemed to choke on air. 

I elbowed Percy, but the damage was already done. All four magicians were staring at us in shock. 

"That is a long explanation," I said. 

"We've got time." Carter fired back, "And I don't think you can just leave it at that, can you?"

When neither Percy nor I responded, he continued.

"It's not like we're going to tell anyone or freak out. Well, too much. We're Egyptian magicians, descended from ancient Pharaohs. We've seen a lot of weird and unexplainable things."

"Yep," Sadie agreed - looking as though her brain was about to explode - before glancing towards what I assumed was the kitchen, "Anyone want a Ribena?" 

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