{35} The Truth, At Last

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It was the day after the events at the Ministry, and the first time we'd been able to sneak off together to properly talk. We were squirreled away in the depths of the library. It was a sunny day, so most of the students were outside, or elsewhere in the castle, relaxing now that exams were over. 

"The Rightful King of the Gods?" Jason asked, shaking his head, "Given their temperaments, that could be any of them." 

"Except for Zeus." Percy pointed out, "For once."

The sky rumbled overhead. 

"Don't forget," I reminded them, "It's no longer limited to Roman or Greek deities. We could be looking at an Egyptian god, or a Norse one, or who knows what else." 

"Well, instead of looking at what we don't know, we should look at what we do." Calypso suggested. 

"It's someone tough, and brave." Clarisse declared.

"Not necessarily." I pointed out.

"Well, rightful king, right?" Percy said, "They have to be a guy." 

"That's something. They've gotta be powerful, as well, to be able to offer Voldemort any useful assistance." I reasoned. 

"So that narrows it down to every powerful male god in existence. Easy peasy." Leo quipped. 

"We can rule out all the peace loving gods, like Frey." I added. 

"Wait, what about the sacrifices?" Hazel said. 

"Nilo was a Norse demigod, but Hunters, Campers and Magicians have been going missing too, and presuming they all met the same fate, it doesn't prove anything," I frowned, "But if we can figure out the purpose of the sacrifices, then that narrows it down even further." 

"Okay, so most sacrifice-type things are done for power, right?" Piper said.

"Or to raise someone. From the dead, or... otherwise." Percy added. 

"Like a god." I realised, "The god we're looking for might be one trapped, or imprisoned, or powerless, who needs the sacrifices in order to escape, or gain the power to escape." 

"Loki?" Percy guessed. 

"No, he was handed over to the Aesir and they locked him away somewhere not even Magnus knows. Besides, this isn't really his style. I think we're looking at a new player."

"Caelus?" Frank suggested. 

"Who's Caelus?" Leo asked.

"Ouranos." I answered, causing him, Percy and Clarisse to snigger. 

I elbowed my boyfriend, but otherwise ignored it. 

"The original King." Jason said, "He was said to be even worse than Gaia." 

"Oh, gods." Percy muttered, "What if it's Tartarus?" 

I shivered despite myself, and I could see my look of horror mirrored on my friends' faces. 

"It could be either," I sighed, "It could also be one we haven't even thought of. I'll contact Magnus and the Kanes, see if they have any suggestions. Jason, can you bring Thalia up to date on all of this? Frank, talk to Reyna, and Percy, update Chiron." 


We all started, whirling around to find Hermione, Harry and Ron standing there. It was Hermione who had spoken. 

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