Introduction or A/N

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Hey guys! I am writing this story on a whim, I do not expect it to get many views, likes, and I don't know if it'll even be good. I just wanted to write a story that satisfied my mood, and my favourite type of fanfics are those that the fan meets their idol from a show.

IMPORTANT: If you are sensitive to bullying, mentioning of abuse or mental illnesses, this story may not be the one for you. I will NOT put trigger warnings in all of the chapters, only the ones where I think it is necessary. I apologise if this upsets you!

DISCLAIMER: I am basing this story in the twtltrtd era, BUT I will be making Brendon younger than he was in that era, please don't correct me on his age throughout the book! I will not make Sarah a character in this story, although I do love her and support her and Brendon and hope they have an amazing life together. I do not wish to disrespect anyone by writing this story. Please be aware that I know this story will be unrealistic and unlike Brendon, it's fiction for a reason. I ALSO DO NOT SEE BRENDON URIE IN A ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL WAY. I AM JUST WRITING THIS FOR FUN.

ANYWAYS! On with the story! If you're reading this, I hope you enjoy, and feel free to message me for any reason- Just to talk, advice, tips, anything!

~Amber <3

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