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Brendon's POV

I got in to my car and nervously adjusted my collar. I had told Rayna to dress nicely, but I don't think she would be expecting me to take her to an expensive fancy restaurant. It would be an absolute honour to treat her to a surprise. I started the engine, and drove in the direction of Rayna's house.

I arrived on the street outside her place between 20 and 30 minutes later. I stepped out of the car, and walked up the porch stairs to her door, and rang the doorbell. Moments later, the door opened to reveal Rayna, all dressed up and beautiful. "You look amazing." I said, after a second of taking in her appearance. "You clean up good, I guess." She said jokingly, and grabbed her purse. I smiled brightly and held my hand out for her to hold. She took it gracefully and returned the smile. God, she was so beautiful, I could just melt.

"So where are we going?" Rayna asked out of curiosity as I pulled back out on to the street. "It's a lovely surprise for a lovely girl." I said, glancing at her for a second, taking her hand and kissing it. She giggled and kept her hand in mine. She sneakily reached over in to the centre console and took my phone. "What are you doing?" I asked, laughing while looking at her pulling faces. "Spamming your phone with my absolutely gorgeous face!" She said sarcastically. She plugged her own phone in to my aux cord and played some Queen and Fall Out Boy songs. I loved the way her smile grew wider when some of her favourite songs came on, and the way her eyes glistened when a new song played.

"Okay, Rayna, I need you to close your eyes, please." I said, as we neared the restaurant. I knew already that she'd be shocked and most likely argue with me over the expense of the place. "What? Oh, okay, just for you, Mr. Urie." She said while smiling and placing her hands over her eyes. "And no peeking!" I said, pulling in to the restaurant car park. "Wait here, I'll come around to you and help you out." I said, turning the key and switching the engine off. I got out of the car and quickly made my way around to her side and opened her door. "Here you go." I placed my hands on her arms and guided her out of the car. She kept her eyes squeezed tight and kept giggling. "I can't believe this. Can't you just let me look?" She said excitedly. "Not until I say, Ray. Hey, that rhymed!" I laughed at myself and shut her door behind her, then locked the car. I placed my hand in the small of her back and guided her carefully to the entrance.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now, darling." I said. She was facing me, and I watched as she took her hands away from her eyes. I was standing close to her and realised how perfect this moment was. The sun was setting, painting the sky an array of purples, pinks, and oranges. I could see every concealed freckle and sparkle on her skin. It was as if the world was in slow motion, and we were the only ones thriving. She smiled up at me and scrunched her nose. I smiled back and kissed her forehead. "Let's go." I whispered in her ear and intertwined my fingers with hers. We turned to face the restaurant and I watched as her jaw dropped. This place was known for its expensive but good food.

"Brendon, you can't take me here. I refuse to let you pay for me." She said, gasping at the sight in front of her. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You seem to forget that I am a bit of a celebrity, babe. I can afford this. Let me treat you like the princess you truely are." I smirked and she blushed, hiding her face. "Okay. Just this once. You know you don't need to go all out and spend money on me just to impress me, B." She said, leaning in to me as we walked inside. I smiled at her and shrugged. "I know. But I want to."

We ordered our food and got some drinks. I plan for Rayna to have a good time tonight. I want to show her how I can treat her well, despite her negative outlooks on situations and life. I want to be there to make her be positive and happy. I want to help her. "What are you thinking about?" Rayna said, disrupting my thoughts. "You." I said smoothly, reaching across the table to hold her hand. "Brendon, I'm going to be completely honest right now and say that you are a dick. But I love it." She said jokingly, rubbing her thumb over my hand and laughing. I laughed along and admired her.

All throughout the night, we drank, ate, talked, and drank some more. Well, a lot more. By the end of the night we had to get an Uber to my place, because I couldn't drive. I would just get my car sometime tomorrow. I didn't plan on the night ending up here at my place, but I guess it was alright. We weren't quite drunk yet, but we were borderline. As soon as we got in the house, Rayna pounced on me. She jumped and wrapped her legs around my torso and held my face as she planted her lips on mine. I was taken aback, but instantly went with it. I placed one hand under her thigh and the other on her back, and carried her to my room. I will not let anything happen tonight, I told myself. It wasn't the right thing to do, nor was it the right time or place. I laid her down on the bed and kissed her once more, before sliding in to the space beside her. She cuddled up with me and lazily kissed me again, slowly moving down to my neck.

"Hey, Rayna." I was surprised by her actions, as I was more drunk than she was, and she was barely even intoxicated. "Let's save it for another time, yeah?" I asked her, lifting her chin up and kissing her softly and quickly. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder. "Okay, I'm sorry." She placed her hand over my chest and traced shapes in to my skin.

As we laid in the dark, our skin pressed together in a non-sexual way, I realised how important and special she was. I couldn't let her go, I couldn't let her slip away. Not again, not ever. Rayna Kingston was perfect, and I was definitely falling for her, hard and fast.

A/N: ya YEeT this was a wild chapter lol yEah I hope it was ok tho. Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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