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*Time skip to the next day

Rayna's POV

I was getting ready for work when I got a call from Priya. I dropped my bag and paced quickly to my phone. I pressed the green button and held the phone to my ear. "Hey Pree. What's up?" I asked, waiting for a reply. "Hey Ray! I was wondering if you wanted to stay over tonight. Jessica is coming around to stay the night and I thought it would be a good opportunity for you two to meet. Only if that's okay with you, of course. And Brendon came come if you want to invite him over." I checked my calendar to see if I had any plans early tomorrow, but I was happy to see I was free for the next few days.. "Yeah, sure. That sounds good. I have work soon until 5 tonight, but I'll see if Brendon wants to come. I'll message or call you later when I know more?" I suggested, picking my bag back up and putting all my supplies in- my journal, charger, lip balm, just the necessities. "Of course! Sounds good. Can't wait to see you. Love you!!" Priya exclaimed excitedly. "Aw, I love you too. Bye, Pree!" I said, hanging up and continuing to get ready.

I got in my car and headed off to work. I plugged my phone in to the aux cord and scrolled through my playlists, and finally decided on some good old Panic! at the Disco. Why not support Brendon, even though I'm no longer just a fan? I bopped my head the entire way, singing my heart out to my favourite songs. The traffic wasn't too bad for Los Angeles, considering it was heading towards midday.

I locked my car up and walked in to the bookstore. "Hey Rayna." My colleague, Tulip, greeted me as I walked in the door. "Hey Tulip! How are the customers today?" I asked. We usually had quite a few customers, making the store pretty busy. A lot of the people that came in were like regular customers. We knew quite a few of their names, and some of them actually became our friends. "They're good. George and his grandson came in today again. That little boy is adorable." She said, smiling as she tidied up the shelf closest to her. I agreed and put my belongings behind the counter.


Rayna: Hey B. Pree invited me to stay at her house tonight. A girl she fancies is going to be staying over too, so she asked me to invite you, probably just so I don't feel awkward or like a third wheel. I can pick you up later if you want to come.

I locked my phone and waited for Brendon's reply. It was 3:30pm now, so I only had an hour and a half of my shift left. I greeted some people as they walked in the store, and continued to set up our new display scheme. I placed books on stands and in different bookshelves. We are constantly changing up our displays, to attract new people to our bookstore, and also because it looks less old and boring if things are in different places.

Around half an hour later, I got a reply from Brendon. I checked my phone to read his text.

Brendon: Hey, sorry I didn't reply earlier, I've been dealing with band business. I was meaning to see you again, because there's something I wanted to talk to you about that's been bothering me for a bit, regarding the band. And I'm excited to see Priya and her new girl, tell her I can make it.

Rayna: Of course. I'll let her know now and I'll come pick you up around 6:30.

I was a bit worried about what he needed to tell me, especially because it was regarding the band, and I had nothing to do with the other boys, other than the fact that I love the music they create. I hope he's okay.


I finished putting some of the books away and then dimmed the lights. I shut the blinds, grabbed my bag, and locked up the store. I got in the car, turned some Green Day on, and headed back to my house. I needed to get changed and showered before getting Brendon and heading to Priya's.

I got home at 5:45pm, giving me about 45 minutes to get ready. I quickly unpacked and repacked my bag with sleepover gear. I flew in to the shower and washed my hair and body thoroughly, but quickly. I got changed in to a nice but comfy outfit- a black lace bralette with a white long sleeved shirt over top, and simple black sweat shorts. After that, I applied a small amount of makeup- just mascara, eyebrow products, highlight, and a small amount of eyeshadow. By the time I was done, it was 6:25pm.

Rayna: On my way to come get you now. Be there in 20.

Brendon: Okay. I'll be waiting outside.

I set off, listening to none other than Fall Out Boy.


"Hey Brendon!" I said, jumping out the car and running to him. "Hey Ray." He smiled and gave me a hug. We walked back to the car and he threw his bag in the backseat with the rest of my belongings. "I need to go get some snacks from Walmart on the way if that's okay with you." I said as I pulled out of his driveway and on to the road. "Yeah, that's all good. Um, so about the thing I wanted tot talk to you about earlier... I wanted to talk to you about it when we were alone so I guess now is an alright time. Dallon and Spencer have been acting weird, like, they're judging me and just being distant. I'm worried something's going to happen." He initiated the conversation, and I could tell he was nervous by the way he bounced his leg and played with his ring. "Oh. Brendon, I'm sorry. What are you worried about?" I asked. "Well, I've already lost my other band members. What if I lose two more?" He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. We were at red light, and I turned to look at him, putting my hand on his knee. "Brendon, no matter what happens- with or without band members- you are very far from alone. You have me, your friends, your family, and your thousands of fans. I am never leaving your side, okay? Never." I smiled at him and turned back to continue driving when the light went green. "I appreciate you so fucking much, Rayna. I'll try push it out, just at least for tonight. Anyway, I'm excited to see Priya and Jessica." He said, making the conversation a lighter topic. "Oh yeah! I am so excited to meet Jessica. From what I've heard from Priya, she's lovely and we will like her very much." I said, with a large smile.

A/N: HeY y'AlL. Sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I was at a big boi party lol xd. Hope this chapter was alRigHt! Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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