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Rayna's POV

We arrived at Brendon's house after singing in the car together the entire way there. I got our bags out of the back and held hands with Brendon all of the way inside. After dumping my stuff in the corner of his room, we flopped down on the bed together and laid in silence. I turned my head to him, only to find him already looking at me. Suddenly, I felt very conscious of our exchange at the picnic earlier. "You are so beautiful." He said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. He rolled over partially to place one hand over to my side. I rolled so we were both resting on our side, the weight of our bodies one elbow each. He ran his fingertips gently up and down my waist. "I hate my body." I whispered, breaking eye contact and looking at the blankets. He tutted and took his hand away from my side, tilting my chin up. "Rayna. Your body does not define who you are- I see you as beautiful, inside and out. You are perfect, so goddamn perfect, babe." I felt my body heat up along with his words, and I found myself inching closer.

He moved his hand from my chin to the side of my face, and he brought me closer, finally kissing me. I immediately reached out for him, resting my hand just below his ribs. I played with the fabric of his shirt as his lips moved slowly against mine. I watched as fireworks and sparks exploded behind my eyelids. Nobody has ever made me feel this way. It sounds cliche, but I think he's 'the one.' I pulled away and sat up, motioning for him to do the same. I placed my hands on his cheeks and smiled, admiring how his eyes flickered to my lips and back to my eyes every once in a while. I watched him part his lips and close them again, and I smiled. "You, Brendon Urie, are one of a fucking kind. I love you." I said, the smile growing as I saw the light in his eyes shine brighter and the corners of his mouth turned upwards. "Come here." He scrunched his nose and growled in a playful way, making me laugh and squeal as he pulled me down on top of him as he laid back on the bed.

We laid in that position for a while- me lying on top of him, and him underneath, wrapping his arms around my lower back. I tangled my legs with his, and placed little kisses all over his face and neck. "You. Are. So. Perfect. I. Am. So. Grateful. For. You." I said quietly in between kisses. He chuckled every time, I was probably tickling him. "It's you I should be saying that to." He said, rolling me over so we switched places. He held his body up with his arms, which were both beside my head. I all of a sudden had an urge to make out with him then and there, but I didn't want to ruin the cute, romantic moment. He leaned down and placed a million kisses to my lips, cheeks, and forehead. He grabbed my hand and kissed every single one of my knuckles twice over, and did the same with my other hand. "I love every part of you, and you should too. You're so fucking beautiful, Ray." He said, after kissing my tenth knuckle. I giggled and admired him. I was starstruck, to say the least.

I cuddled in to him under the blankets while we watched movies. He had given me his hoodie to wear, which fell just above my knees, so I just went pantless. I popped a few pieces of popcorn in my mouth, and occasionally I leaned up and fed him some. He had his arms around me at all times, and I smiled, thinking how just mere months ago, I was only a fan. "Hey B? Have you written any new music recently?" I asked, breaking the comfortable silence. "Yeah, I have, actually. The sound of this new album I'm thinking of making is a bit different. Less edgy I think." He laughed at the last part and rested his head on top of mine. "Why's that?" He asked out of curiosity. "Oh, I was just wondering. I'd love to hear it sometime soon." I said cheekily, knowing that I'd probably be able to hear his music before anybody else could. "Of course. If you'd like, I can show you now?" He suggested, sitting up. I shot up and nodded excitedly. I couldn't wait to listen to his voice and skills.

He held my hand and led me to his little studio out back by the pool. I gladly followed him and had a smile plastered on the whole way there. He pulled a chair out for me and I sat, crossing my bare legs together as he grabbed another chair to sit at the computer with. After a short while, some music started playing. "I'm not too sure about the lyrics yet but I really like the way the music and instruments sound." He said as his voice started playing through the speakers.

You've got two black eyes from loving too hard, and a black heart that matches your blackest soul, I wouldn't wanna change you, whoa oh, wouldn't ever try to make you leave me, no, oh.

I listened to the first few lines with a happiness in my heart. The beat was beautiful, and his voice was so goddamn perfect. He paused it before I could hear it all and I squealed. "Brendon! That's so amazing! Oh my god!" I screamed and jumped up, sitting on his lap and hugging him. I kissed him passionately and then buried my head in his neck. He held my waist and laughed at my happiness. "I might change the lyrics around. I don't like how it sounds right now but it'll be better once I've tweaked it up." He said, rubbing circles with his thumbs in to my hips. I relaxed and found myself a bit shocked, and intrigued at the position I had managed to get us in. I think he realised too, and immediately smashed his lips on to mine. There was something different about this kiss... It was full of lust, and I can't say I didn't like it, because then I would be lying.

A/N: weee wooo I know the lyrics to LA Devotee were written wrong in this chapter, I did that on p u r p o s e lol thanks ALSO school is a bitch so I won't be uploading as often but I will try as much as I can!! Thank u guys, lots of love,

Amber xox.

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