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Rayna's POV

I took the beautiful bracelet out and put it on. I continued to admire the silver band with little floral designs etched in, and the rose gold sun that was designed and styled with precision and hard work. The colours matched each other beautifully. "Thank you Brendon, I love it." I said, smiling down at the ground. He smiled back and looked nervous. "And I love you."

I looked up at him in surprise, my mouth dropping open slightly, and I saw that he meant it fully. His eyes were soft yet they had a spark of courage in them, his mouth was upturned in a small smile, and he furrowed his eyebrows upwards, out of hope and also suspense. Time felt like it was going in slow motion. I took in all of his features, every long, dark eyelash, every little freckle that dotted and decorated his cheeks. I closed my mouth and smiled again. All I can ever do around this man was just smile. He made me so happy. I reached out and grabbed his hand slowly, and maintained eye contact. "Brendon Urie, I love you too." I giggled as I watched him let out a shaky sigh of relief. "Really?" We both started laughing out of happiness and nervousness, and as I nodded, he leaned in and cupped my face with his hands. "Thank god." He mumbled, before pressing his lips to mine. This kiss was like no other- it was full of romance, passion, and love. We knew we loved each other, and it was one of the most perfect things I could ever imagine or experience.

We continued to watch the sky turn dark and pointed out the stars as they started shining across the navy blue sky. I poured us some more cups of wine and champagne, but Brendon pointed out that he'd have to drive us home, and he shouldn't drink. I ended up having his share of drinks, and slowly got tipsy. "I need to stop drinking now. It's getting late anyway, we should probably head home." I said, mainly telling myself to stop drinking so I wouldn't make a fool out of myself. Brendon nodded and stood up, picking up the bag and putting our stuff back in it. I slowly stood as well, but stumble slightly due to the light buzz the alcohol had given me. Brendon held my arm and laughed as I almost tripped over. "Fuck..." I mumbled, then walked with him to the car without managing to trip up.

"Do you, uh, do you want to stay the night at my place?" Brendon asked as we started our drive down the hill towards town. We were listening to The 1975 and sitting in silence. He had his hand resting on the centre console, and I had previously placed mine on top, feeling the warmth from my palm spread to the top of his hand. "Yeah, if it's not too much for you. And could we stop by my place first so I can get clothes and stuff?" I asked, rubbing my thumb over his. "Of course we can, babe." He said softly. I smiled at the nickname he gave me. I usually hated pet names, I found them absolutely cringeworthy and cheesy, but hearing it come from him made me melt. I scooted slightly closer and wrapped my arm around his free one, and brought his hand up to my lips. I pressed multiple kisses to his knuckles and watched as he smiled and blushed.

We pulled up outside my house within a few minutes. "Wait here, I'll be 5 minutes, 10 tops." I said quickly, jumping out the car. I shut the door and ran to my house, trying to take as little time as possible. I went to the bathroom first and filled up a tote bag with my toiletries and makeup. I quickly brushed my teeth so I could be fresher, then threw my toothbrush in the bag. I sprayed a little more perfume on, and then I grabbed my backpack and filled it with clothes, including a towel and my nicest bikini just in case. I never went swimming, and when I did, I wore my one piece because I was self conscious of my body, with all of its stretch marks and little pudgy rolls, but for some reason, around Brendon I felt a little more comfortable. I made sure all of the lights were turned off before leaving, locking the door behind me. I ran back to Brendon's car, put my stuff in the back seat, and got in to the passenger side once again.

"I missed you." Brendon jokingly said and leaned over to kiss my cheek. I scoffed and buckled my seat belt in, and he started the short drive to his house. On the way, we listened to a mixture of David Bowie, Queen, and the top hits. I watched intently as he tapped his fingertips on the steering wheel, and saw the light in his eyes shine brighter whenever a good song came on. I could now fully say this in confidence, knowing that it was very true, and that he felt the same way: I love Brendon Urie, and no longer in a fangirl way.

A/N: Weowww this chapter was mega short bUT it was cute so :P I am considering ending the story soon, then starting on the second book, but idk if I should bother. Let me know! ALSO THANK YOU FOR 200+ VIEWS I LOVE YOU ALL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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