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*Possible trigger warning? Not really, idk

Rayna's POV

I had just finished unpacking all of my bags and putting my clothes away, when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Brendon was calling. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" I said as I answered. I could hear Brendon let out a breathy laugh. "I just wanted to check up on you. How's Priya?" He asked. "She was good last time I checked. I just got home from hers, actually." I said, flopping down on my bed. "Ahh okay. Well, I'd like to see you tomorrow if you're not busy." He proposed. I smiled and shook my head. "I have work from 9am until 2pm, but I'm all yours after then." I blushed. I really enjoyed his company. "I was going to take you out for lunch, but I guess dinner will suffice." He said. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice. My heart pounced and leapt. Was he asking me on a date? "Pick me up at 7, I'll text you my address." I had somehow gotten some confidence. I was surprised at how I wasn't ever nervous around him. I would usually be a stuttering mess, but somehow he brought out the best in me. "It's a date. See you then." He said before hanging up. I bit my lip and held in a squeal. I am going on a dinner date with Brendon fucking Urie!

I spent the rest of the night scrolling on twitter and looking at youtube videos. I noticed a few of Brendon's so called 'fans' were very rude about his response to my tweet. They said things like "Wtf does he mean, she doesn't deserve his attention" and "Ew why her". This really brought me down and ruined my already lacking self confidence. I am so sick and tired of feeling like this all of the time. I just want to be happy, is that too much to ask for? I sighed, wiped the tears spilling down my face, and ignored the comments on twitter and went back to youtube. A little while in to watching, I noticed I had a few texts.

Priya: Hey Ray. I saw the replies to Brendon's tweet to you. I love you okay, and if you need me to come I'll be there in an instant. Just say the word. Xx

Brendon: Rayna, I apologise for the things those few people said. Don't listen to them, you're better than what they're saying. Are you alright?

I responded to both of their messages with the generic "Oh yeah, I'm fine, not to worry" response, and went back to watching videos, but it wasn't long before my phone buzzed again.

Brendon: You're lying. I'm coming over.

I gulped and looked down at my grey sweater and black shorts. I look so unpresentable right now, he can't see me like this.

Rayna: Brendon it's fine. I look horrible right now, don't bother.

Brendon: Too late. Be there in 20.

I assumed he lived closer to Priya's, and closer to town, considering it will take him 10 extra minutes to get here than it would to get to Priya's. I moved slowly, pushing my MacBook to the side and shoving rubbish in the bin. I didn't need Brendon seeing how much of a horrible person I really was. My mind kept jumping to the thought that he could never like me because I am not pretty, intriguing, or fun at all. I tried throwing those thoughts away, but they kept jumping back, taunting me every moment.

Right when I was about to have a breakdown, there was a knock on the door. I took my time answering the door. "Hey." I said with teary eyes and a wobbly voice. Brendon instantly walked inside, closing the front door, and pulling me in to a giant hug. At this point, I couldn't stop the tears from running, and I cried in to his chest. He kept me in the same embrace but picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to my bed and let me go, sitting next to me. "Rayna, I am so fucking sorry. This is what I was afraid of." He said, trying to wipe away my waterfall of tears. I smiled sadly and shrugged. "I should have expected it. In fact, why are you even here? Why do you talk to me? I'm nothing but a useless fan, and you're, well, you." I said, getting upset. "Rayna Kingston, you are far from 'just a fan' to me. I don't view you as that, and I never did, even when I first saw you at the show. Don't describe yourself like that, like you're putting yourself down." He looked genuinely worried. "Well, I'm sorry, but I put myself down every moment of the day, when I wake up, when I blink, when I take a step. There's always a flaw in everything I do, no matter how big or small." I couldn't stop crying even if I tried. He choked on his words and pulled me in to his arms. "I don't know what to say to that, but if I could say one thing, I'd tell you that I think everything you do, no matter how big or small, is done with elegance and grace. Trust me, Ray." He used my nickname. Cute. I sniffled and managed to stop crying. He really did help with everything, lord bless this man.


I looked up at him and smiled. We were watching a movie on Netflix, and I was distracted by the fact that our legs were all tangled together under the blankets. He told me he will stay the night because he was worried what would happen if he left me alone. I adored his commitment and kindness. He noticed me staring, and looked down. "Whats up, buttercup?" He said in a soft tone. "Just admiring the view." I admitted. His cheeks flushed, and he leaned down, kissing my forehead. "You're the view here, Rayna." He said, even quieter this time. I had butterflies going like crazy in my tummy right now. I shook my head and rested it back on his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair, and continued to do so until I fell asleep in his arms.

A/N: yeah so I didn't know whether that was a trigger warning or not but I didn't want to upset anyone without knowing. I hope y'all are having a good day! Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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