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Rayna's POV

I woke up next to Brendon and instantly had the memories of yesterday and last night flood back to me. I tried my hardest not to laugh out of happiness. I smiled uncontrollably as I recounted the way his hands caressed my face and how his soft skin sparked fireworks against my own. I rolled over so I was facing him and buried my face in to his chest. He made me so fucking happy, I couldn't even begin to express how much Brendon means to me.

"Morning, sunshine." I heard his gruff morning voice speak up as I scrolled through Instagram on my phone. I turned to look at him and saw his eyes were still shut, but he too, had a large smile painted on to his face. "Hey baby." I said softly, leaning forward and placing a simple kiss to his lips. "Mmm, how was your sleep?" He said, opening his eyes. The light shone straight in to his eyes and I found myself almost lost in the pools of chocolate and honey coloured irises. "It was amazing. You?" I asked. "It was good." He responded, his rough voice slowly turning back to normal. I laid there next to him, running a hand through his floppy hair. I loved it when he was like this- fresh and natural, no hair product, no fancy clothes. Just, him.


"Rayna, I need to tell you something about myself, and my past. It's not particularly a nice topic, but considering how much I care about you, it would be unfair if I didn't tell you." Brendon said as he sat next to me at the counter. I instantly had a bad feeling. What if he killed someone and got away with it? I brushed that thought off, he would never even mean to hurt a fly. I took a sip of water out of my glass and swallowed it cautiously. I nodded and gently placed the glass back down on a coaster. "Okay. This is a lot, I understand if you're upset or mad our disappointed or whatever after I tell you. I'm rambling a lot... Anyway. A few years ago, when I was 19, I had a girlfriend called Nathalia. She loved me a lot, and I loved her too. Anyway, we were together for about a year and a half until I fucked it all up. She asked me if she could move in with me, and I said no because I was going through some shit with the band, and she got really mad and accused me of cheating, or something. I got mad back and went out to a club with a fake ID and got extremely drunk... And when I woke up in the morning... I was in bed with some random girls that I didn't know." It took Brendon a while to finish the story, and I could tell he felt really bad because of it. I looked at him, took in his appearance and sighed.

"So, let me get this straight. Your girlfriend got mad at you and said you were cheating, so you went out and cheated on her?" I asked, scoffing at him. He reached out and grabbed my hand quickly. I reluctantly let him hold my hand. "That's not why I did it! I swear! It was a stupid mistake, and I love you, that's why I needed to tell you. Because we need to be honest with each other!" He exclaimed. I sighed and took my hand out of his. "Brendon, that's fucked up." I said, turning away from him and looking at my half full cup of water. "I know it is Rayna. And it's fucked me up everyday since. I regret it." His voice broke at the end of the sentence and I felt a pain in my heart. "I'm sorry. I have to go." I whispered, my own eyes filling with tears as I rushed to his room and grabbed my stuff.

So many thoughts rushed through my mind as I ran out of his house and towards town. I managed to find a taxi cab, and got in, giving the man my address. I thought about the pain the girl must have been in to have accused him of cheating. And then to actually find out he did cheat. I know he said he regretted it and he wish he never did it, but I am still entirely shocked and I need some time to think. How could he, the kindest, most wholehearted boy I've ever met, do this? Only last night he was with me, we were having an amazing time, and now here we are. I don't know what to do.

I paid the driver and ran inside my house, throwing my bags on the floor and flinging myself on the bed, finally letting out heavy sobs. Was that his way of saying he's unfaithful? Will he now go and cheat on me? Does he really love me, does he really care? So many questions and thoughts raced through my mind as waves of anger, sadness, and betrayal washed over me. I curled in to a ball and hugged my knees, falling asleep to the sound of rain pattering in time with my tears outside my window.

A/N: AHHH this is the whole thing I meant in the earlier chapters, where Brendon had a secretive past... What a bomb to drop lol rippp, ALSOOO I'm going to end this story in a few more chapters, I want there to be at least 40 parts before I end it, but I'm deciding there definitely will be a sequel. 400 views and I'll start writing the next book? (; Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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