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Brendon's POV

Rayna and I spent the entire day just cuddling on the couch, and occasionally sharing a few kisses. I honestly could not think of a better way to spend my time, than to do this with her. Soon, I'd have to go back to working. Writing songs, trying out new sounds, getting interviewed, and eventually, touring again. I loved the work I did, I absolutely adored it, but it was just so goddamn demanding all of the time.

Rayna's company was so comforting to me, it came naturally and beautifully, just like her. She inspired me in so many ways- she inspired me to be a better person, to get creative, and to be adventurous- and I wanted to thank her for it, but I can't tell her about my past just yet. I don't want to scare her away, especially not now, when we are becoming so close.

"What are you thinking about, B?" She was looking up at me intently and gazed in to my eyes. "Just about work." I said, being half truthful. She sighed at my response. "You just reminded me that I have work tomorrow and I'd rather just, not." I laughed and wrapped my arm around her. "It's fine. No pain no gain right?" I said, smirking. "Uh, sure, whatever." She said, laughing and heading towards the bathroom.

While she was gone, I thought ahead in to the future. I know now that I have some kind of feelings for her. How would I ask her out? When would I ask her out? How would we work together? Was she more complicated, more in depth than she leads on? How would I tell her about my past? So many questions with so little answers. I guess I'll have to wait and see where it takes us.

She came back while I was in the middle of my thoughts. "B? Brendon, are you okay?" I furrowed and looked up. "Yeah." I mumbled. "What's wrong, babe?" She asked, sitting next to me and holding my hand. "It doesn't matter, nothing is wrong, Rayna." I said, smiling at her. She shook her head and held my face with one hand. "Tell me what's on your mind, darling." She said this softly, and I complied. "I really like you, Rayna. Like, a lot. You make me happy, and you make me feel like I'm a better person. I'm sorry if you don't want to hear this, or don't feel the same, but I care about you and you're pretty damn important." I let it out and watched as her facial expressions changed from worried to... happy?

"Brendon, I feel the same way about you. And not because you're my idol and I'm a fan. I've actually gotten to know you for you, and I'm so grateful. You are special." She said, closing the gap between us, pressing her lips to mine. I smiled in to the kiss and hugged her. We broke apart and I rested my forehead against hers. "I'm so so so glad you feel the same, this would have been very fucking awkward otherwise." I let out a breathy laugh and she leaned back, smiling at me. "You are perfect, Brendon Urie." I don't agree with her, but I don't bother spoiling the moment.


Rayna had left later in the day around 4pm, considering she had to go to work tomorrow. I was sad to let her leave, considering how good our time together was. I cleaned up the house a little bit and headed out to the studio. I worked best alone, especially when I had experiences to inspire me, and lately my life had been filled with surprises and opportunities. I sat down and set myself up, trying out new beats.

It had only been about 6 weeks since our tour ended, and I was already focussed on how to improve our band and our sound. I had an odd feeling about Dallon and Spencer. They'd been pretty distant recently and it worried me. Ryan, John and Brent had already left us, and I don't know what I'd do if the others left, too. I'd end up being a one-man band, and that scared me a little bit. Although, saying that, I was good at figuring out situations and working by myself.

I shouldn't get too ahead of myself yet, anyway. I went to message Dallon and Spencer to tell them I was working on some new sounds.

Brendon: I'm working on new sounds in the studio.

Dallon: Finally.

Spencer: You're actually away from the girl for once.

Brendon: What's that supposed to mean? You know I'm trying.

Dallon: Yeah. Good luck with your new sounds.

I was so confused as to why they were acting this way. It wasn't like I had been ignoring or avoiding them, I saw them multiple times a week. I shook it off and focussed on my work, all alone.

A/N: oKaY this is a short chapter but I just wanted to say; I have decided against writing smut in to this story bc yEah as I stated in the first chapter, I don't see Brendon that way and it's so weird writing about him like that. aND also I don't know much about Dallon, Brent, Ryan and Spencer so I'm just writing them however I want, I apologise if it offends anyone. ALSo Ariana's new song 7 rings is: amazing. that was a psa u heard it here first. Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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