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Rayna's POV

We arrived at Priya's house around 7:30pm. Brendon got out of the car and grabbed our bags. He handed me mine and held my hand. "Thank you kind sir!" I said jokingly as we walked up to her door. I rang the doorbell, and almost instantly, the door flew open, revealing a girl I had never seen before. "Hi! You must be Brendon and Rayna! I've heard so much about you both. It's nice to meet you!" She said. She had pastel purple hair that rested a few inches above her waist. She had a nose piercing and tattoos up her arm. I admired her and smiled, stepping past the door to hug her. "You're Jessica, I assume? It's lovely to meet you." I said, pulling away and smiling. Brendon then stepped in to hug her too, flashing her his dazzling smile. We all walked to the lounge together to see Priya, who was cooking pasta for dinner.

"Hey Pree!" I exclaimed, fast-walking up to give her a hug. "Rayna, it feels like it's been years!" She laughed and I smiled. "It's only been a few days, you old lady!" I said, walking back to the lounge area. "Brendon, let's go put our stuff in the guest room, yeah?" I suggested. He nodded and we grabbed our stuff, heading down the hallway to our room for the night. I dumped my bag in the corner and sat on the bed. "Jessica seems really kind." I said, smiling as Brendon stood in front of me, holding my hands. "She does. I really like her hair and tattoos." He said, rubbing his thumb over my own. I smiled at the gesture and gently tugged him down so he'd come lie next to me for a moment.

We laid side by side for a while, just staring in to each others eyes and holding hands. I admired the light in his eyes. His brown iris' reminded me of pools of chocolate and honey. I could get lost staring in to them forever. He opened his mouth to begin saying something, but we were interrupted by Priya knocking on the door. "Dinner's ready." She said softly, smiling at the sight of us. I sat up and walked towards the door, Brendon's hand still in mine.


We all sat around the dinner table after eating dinner, talking about our lives and past memories. I learnt a lot about Jessica- that her family is heavily Christian and would never allow her to be a member of the LGBT+ community, so when she told them, she had already had plans to move with her friend to a whole other state. I could tell that what Priya and Jessica had was something real, or at least the beginning of something real. I held Brendon's hand under the table as he talked about the beginning of his band and his Mormon family. I partially zoned out whenever people talked about their family's, just because I didn't know how to react, as I haven't had a good or proper family since I was 10.

"Rayna, are you okay?" Jessica interrupted my thoughts and I jumped slightly, surprised to be brought in to this conversation. "Yeah, um, I just don't really talk about family with people much. Sorry." I mumbled. She nodded with a small smile and moved the topic on to something lighter. I was grateful that she didn't ask questions. I felt Brendon move closer. He leaned in to my shoulder and kissed my hand. "If you're feeling uncomfortable, or like this is all too much, we can go somewhere to get some air?" He whispered as Jessica and Priya conversed. I shook my head and smiled at him. "Maybe later. I enjoy their company." I whispered back, kissing him on the cheek.

It was around 10pm when Jessica suggested we watch a movie. "Can we watch it in a little bit? I just need some air for a second." I said, smiling at them. They nodded and I looked over to Brendon, motioning for him to come with me. I walked out the back door and sat on the deck chairs Priya had. Brendon followed soon after and shut the door. "Are you okay, Ray? Is something wrong?" He asked, sitting next to me and holding my hand. I shrugged and sighed. "All the talk about family just hit me like a brick. I just wanted to have a moment out here. With you, obviously." I smiled and stood up, and sat on the step so he could sit next to me. "I'm sorry, Rayna. If I had known, I wouldn't have brought the topic up. I'm sorry." He mumbled in to my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his temple. "It is far from your fault, my love." I said quietly.

After a few moments of comfortable silence between us, Brendon sat up and turned to me. "Rayna, I have to ask you something." He said. This made me instantly get nervous, I hated confrontation like this. I nodded, signalling for him to continue. "Well, I was going to say this when we put our stuff in the guest room, but we got interrupted. Anyways, okay, I had specific things I wanted to say, but now that we are really here, and I'm really looking in to your beautiful eyes, I'm blank. Fuck it, I'll wing it. So, we have known each other for about a month now. Just about. I have gotten to see and know parts of you that I really like, and parts of you that I really love, and there are still things left for us to learn about each other. You, Rayna Kingston, make me happier than I've ever been. You make dull situations exciting and fun just by being yourself. You are an amazing, beautiful, smart, funny, and kind person. You may not love yourself, but I vow to work on that. What I'm trying to get at here is... Will you be my girlfriend?" He looked deeply in to my eyes the entire time. I could tell he meant every word. His hands were shaking, and so were mine. I found my mouth had fallen open without me realising it. I instantly smiled and a few tears found their way out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. "Of fucking course I will, Brendon Urie. You are perfect in every way possible, and I have no clue why you'd want me out of all people, but it would be an honour to be yours." I said, laughing out of happiness and leaning in to kiss him. Our lips connected and I felt fireworks like never before.

A/N: WOw finallyyy they're dAtiNgGGg omg. I am hyped now, they can be all cuTe and shitttt. Also we are SO CLOSE to 100 views and I'm EXCITED. Thank you for supporting this book and I appreciate you. <3 Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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