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Rayna's POV

I spent the day with Brendon, helping him through the big dilemma at hand. "Rayna, I'm so stressed out." He mumbled as he gripped the hair on his head. I looked over to him and took in his features and actions. "Give me your hands and look at me, Brendon." I held my hands out for him to put his in. He complied and gave me an exhausted look. His hair was dishevelled and his eyes were sunken and swollen from lack of sleep. "You need to relax. I know that sounds impossible right now, but please try. Go have a bath, and then lay in bed and sleep, or read a book, or listen to music. I will clean up a little bit and start on working through this, okay? You go take some time out for yourself, okay? I'll draw the bath for you. Stay here and don't worry too much." I said, making sure he heard and understood every word.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the little speaker he kept in there and put on music that calmed me whenever I was stressed out. I turned the hot tap on and watched as the bath slowly filled. I threw in some bath salts and swirled the hot water around. I lit a few candles he had laying around and dimmed the lights, and by the time I was finished, the bath was full. I turned off the tap and walked back to the kitchen and held Brendon's hand. "Come on." I said quietly, and he followed me down the hallway to the bathroom connected to his room. "Wow, Rayna. Thank you." He said quietly as he looked at the room, dark and peaceful. "I hope it helps, my love. Is there anything else you need?" I asked, letting go of his hand. "No, but thank you, Rayna." He said, kissing me on the cheek. I blushed and walked out, closing the door quietly behind me.

I decided to bring his laptop everything else in to his room just in case. After a while, I heard his voice quietly call out for me. "Rayna? Can you come in?" He asked. "I put bubbles in the bath, it's fine. I just want to talk to you." He explained. I stumbled over slightly before reaching the door. I slowly opened it and then sat on the stool beside the bath. "Hey." I spoke softly as he looked at me. His hair was slicked back, and water droplets were dripping down his neck. His lower half was covered by the bubbles, and his top half was exposed, glistening in the dim light. "Thank you, Rayna. You are so kind to me." He said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. I smiled at the gesture and used my now wet hand to hold his face. "You deserve it, B. You do so much for everyone." I said, looking deep in to his eyes. He smiled and passed me the shampoo. "Can you wash my hair for me?" He asked innocently. I giggled at him and nodded.

I gently ran my hands through his wet hair, watching the shampoo turn from liquid in to bubbles between my fingers. I got a little bucket and rinsed the product out of his hair, and then rubbed some conditioner in. I massaged it in to his scalp and smiled to myself as I watched Brendon relax his facial expression and lean back in to my hand.

When I was rinsing the conditioner out, Brendon somehow managed to splash water all over my t-shirt. "Brendon! What the fuck?" I gasped, laughing and pouring the water over his face. He laughed along until he realised that white t-shirts when wet are see through. I watched his eyes lower slowly to my torso. He swallowed and I saw his cheeks heat up. I looked down and noticed that you could see my black lace bra through my shirt. "Well. That's awkward." I said quietly. "Is it okay if I just take my shirt off? I mean, I can just go changed but I don't want to leave your side." I suggested. He nodded instantly and I laughed to myself, seeing how eager he was. I lifted my shirt and threw it in the corner. I was usually extremely self-conscious of my body shape and how I looked, but the way Brendon treated me, I felt like I was actually pretty. He watched my every move and I could tell he found it hard to maintain eye contact. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I joked as I continued to rinse the conditioner out of his hair. "Sorry, sorry." He laughed and relaxed again.

"I'm going to leave so you can get out and I can get changed." I said, standing up after a while and drying my hands on a towel. He nodded and I closed the door behind me as I left. I got changed in to a long sleeve shirt and black jeans, and tucked half of the shirt in to my pants. Brendon came out a few minutes later, wearing a pair of sweatpants low on his waist and no shirt. We both stopped like a deer in headlights and admired each other. I blushed as he looked me up and down. "You look nice." He said as he threw his laundry in to the basket beside the bed. I smiled and walked over to him. "No where near as good as you look." I smirked and kissed him quickly on the lips. "Now go to bed. You need to rest, you look dead." I stated, pulling the covers back so he could get in. He chuckled and obeyed, scrambling under the covers. I kissed him once more and then walked out, turning the light off behind me.

A/N: kind of a filler I guess idk. also Bastille is a gr9 band. Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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