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Brendon's POV

"Your band has to be cancelled. You can't produce any more music. You can't do this by yourself, we're sorry Brendon. Here's your plans for new songs and music back, you won't need them. You can't make any more sounds buddy."

I woke up from the gruelling dream. I wiped my forehead and sat up, resting my head in my hands. This situation I am in fucking sucks. I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone. 9:23pm. I had slept for almost 9 hours. I scrolled through my notifications and went on twitter. There was nothing interesting going on on any social media platform, so I decided to get up and get breakfast- or dinner? Who knows.

I walked out and almost screamed. "Rayna! You gave me a fright, what are you doing here still?" I held my hand over my heart, which was racing from being scared. She turned around and looked at me. She was sitting on the couch, scrolling through something on my laptop with a blanket draped over her lap. "I told you to sleep, and that I'd start sorting through your shit. I hope you don't mind but I cooked some dinner." I smiled at her and walked over to the fridge. "Oh you left me some? You didn't have to." I smiled and grabbed the plate, admiring the roast chicken she cooked. "I wouldn't just come to your house and steal your food, Brendon." She said, giggling. I heated up the food in the microwave and then leaned on the island counter, facing her.

"So what's the situation?" I asked, interested in how far she had gotten. "Well, I checked your emails from your record label, management, and left the others. They were all basically 'Dallon and Spencer have informed us they're leaving the band, you have these options, and a few weeks to decide what to do', and then you had some text messages that showed up here from Dallon and Spencer in a group chat. I didn't open them but I saw a preview that said "We told management", and that's all I really saw." She explained. "Wow. Again, thank you so much, Rayna. This means so much to me. Did you respond to any of the emails?" I asked, taking the now heated food out of the microwave. "No, I thought it would be best if you did. And they gave you time to decide what to do, so you don't have too much pressure or weight on your shoulders." She shook her head and brought the laptop over to the dining table so she could sit with me.

"What do you think you'll do?" Rayna said after a while of her scrolling through more new emails. "I don't know right now. I love the fans and the touring and everything that comes with it. I don't want to give that up so soon. Maybe I could take a break, or just be a solo man. Or continue the band on, but just make it a one person thing. Or I could get new people to play the instruments. I really don't know just yet." I said, putting my fork down while I chewed my food. "I get that. Just know that you don't have to choose right now. You have time. And you have me- I mean, I can't play anything or sing, but I'm here for emotional support." She said, leaning her head on my shoulder. I smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

I finished my dinner and rinsed my dishes, putting them in the dishwasher. I bent over and turned the dial, and listened to the water flow in to the machine. I stood back up and looked over at Rayna who was looking at me. "Are you checking me out right now?" I jokingly asked, sticking my hip out and putting a hand under my chin. "Uh, what? No." She said, stammering and turning a light shade of pink. I chuckled and stood up straight. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I said, in a mocking tone, coping what she had said earlier. I walked over and sat back in my seat and she whacked my arm. "Ow! What was that for?" I laughed at her. "Don't mock me!" She said, smiling and laughing. God she was absolutely adorable.

I scrolled through Instagram and Twitter for a little while, occasionally retweeting and liking people's posts. I came across a post that Dallon liked. It suddenly reminded me of how long Rayna had spent working while I slept. "Wait, did you really spend 9 hours looking at emails?" I leaned back and gave her a bewildered look. "Pfft, no. I signed in to my Netflix and watched a few movies and TV show episodes. But mainly I spent time writing out ideas in your notes of what to do and how to respond. There aren't many options in there but you can check them out." She explained, opening the notes app and turning the screen to me. I skimmed through and then looked at her in shock. "Rayna. You are my lord and saviour. Thank you. I'll never be able to repay you for this." I kissed her cheeks, lips and forehead a million times. "Brendon, like I said, it's fine. You do so much for everybody else and you deserve a favour or two every once in a while. Think of this as a thank you from me to you for being someone I can look up to and be inspired by." She said, smiling and kissing me. I felt the world fall away from around us, and all that mattered in this moment was the connection- physically and romantically- between me and the girl beside me.

A/N: This is short but there wasn't much I could add in here lol. Hope everyone's having a good day! I sure am. My mom and I figured out a way to save for VIP tickets to a concert we've been wanting to go to for three years! exCiTe! Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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