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Rayna's POV

I woke up from my deep slumber dazed and confused. I had never woken up in this room before. It took me a moment to recollect my memories of last night. I smile, remembering what happened, and I felt the weight of Brendon's arms around me. His presence was so comforting, and I appreciated it a lot. I checked the time on my phone. It was 9:20am, Priya probably wouldn't be awake yet. "Hey princess." Brendon's morning voice was low and raspy, and boy did it have an effect on me. I immediately rolled over and smiled. "Hey Brendon." I said quietly. He looked so adorable right now, in his baggy t-shirt and sweats. I booped his nose and sat up. "I should go make you breakfast." I said, wincing at the loss of physical contact. "Noooo come back here..." He was clearly very tired, and in that groggy phase where you don't think right. He made grabby hands at me and I just couldn't resist. I climbed back under the duvet and cuddled with him.

I let my mind wander over the events of last night. I was amazed at how quickly but right everything felt. Of course, I'd never repeat that to him, because he could never like me that way. I was probably just another chick in another town to him. I am not, and never will be important. "What are you thinking about?" His husky voice pulled me out of my negativity. I smiled innocently up at him. "What I'm going to make for breakfast." I lied, while getting up properly this time. I retied my hair, taking care to make it look cute but messy. I caught him staring at me a few times and giggled, sticking my hip out to make him smile. He laughed back at me and put his hands on my hips. He steered me to the kitchen and sat at the kitchen island while he watched me make waffles.

"What are your plans today?" He asked me, making some small talk. I shrugged while rolling my- his- hoodie sleeves up. "I have work later, around 1, and I finish at 5. What about you?" I asked. He thought about it for a moment. "Well, I really don't have anything to do except take my stuff home and unpack from tour. The LA show was our last tour stop." He said. I nodded. "Wait, don't you live here? Why'd you stay in a hotel the past few nights?" I asked, curious. "Zack had some security reasons, I think. I don't know, I don't really understand it myself." He said. I shrugged, and poured some waffle batter in the waffle iron. I looked at him while he wasn't watching and admired how his brown eyes scanned different objects, and how his hair flopped in the morning. He really was a handsome man.

"Rayna, I am sorry about last night, by the way. It was really rushed. We've only known each other three days now and I don't want to ruin anything before it's even started or had a chance to turn in to something. I apologise if I made you feel forced, rushed or uncomfortable. I'd never want you to feel that way." He spoke confidently, like he had thought about it for some time. I smiled and nodded. "I thought the exact same thing. I hope you don't see me as some kind of hoe, or a gold digger. You're much more precious than that. You deserve only the best. And also, don't apologise for something we both know we enjoyed. It's completely fine." I said while walking around the counter to give him a hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I could get used to this.


"I should go now, I've been enough for you both to handle. I've got to check out of the hotel before 11am, and unpack all of my stuff from tour. Thank you both so much for letting me stay, and thank you for making these past few days a lot of fun, guys. I'll hopefully see you both soon." Brendon said, getting up and grabbing his possessions. Priya had woken up by now, and we both bid our goodbyes to Brendon. As soon as he stepped off of the property, Priya bombarded me with questions. "What went down after I went to bed? Did you sleep in the same room? Same bed? OH MY GOD... Did you sleep with him?? Tell me everything!" She gasped. I laughed, shutting her up. "Oh my god chill out, I'm still a virgin, and you know I will be forever. But yes, we shared a bed, and no funny business went down, except we kissed." I told her the truth. Her jaw dropped to the floor. "Tell. Me. Everything." She squealed. "Well, in the bathroom after I threw up, and you were cleaning up the boxes, he helped me get cleaned up. And I don't know, we almost kissed but I didn't think it was the right time or place, so I hugged him instead. Kinda awkward right? But then after you went to bed, I showed him to the guest bedroom and I asked him if he was going to kiss me in the bathroom, and it was pretty obvious that he wanted to, so we, I don't know, sat down on the bed and I kissed him first, and it was amazing. Trust me when I tell you that. That man is a god. And the best part is, he kissed me a second time, and he pulled me on to his lap, and after that, we went to sleep all cuddled up. That man is so amazing, Pree. He really is." I recounted our night. She gasped the entire way though my story.

"So what does that mean? Like, do you still see him as your idol? Or as your potential love interest? Did he say anything about it afterwards?" She questioned further. "Well, I realised after I got his number, that I have to push all opinions and feelings I had of him away, and just get to know him personally. So no, I don't see him as my idol or even love interest yet, I just see him as a boy I've just met, who is a lovely person who has a huge, kind, loving heart. And this morning he told me that he's sorry if I felt rushed or forced in to anything, and I told him it was okay, and I was going to tell him the same thing. Thats about it, I guess. I just don't want to rush in to anything, considering how my last relationship went." I explained. She nodded her head in agreement. "You are a wise one, Ray. I'm so happy for you, you know? That man is good for you, I can tell. You have a glow, girl!!" She teased me. I laughed and hugged her. These past few days have been wild to say the least.

A/N: weow weow I hope this clears up any queries anyone has on "oh how do they feel about each other" or "isn't she just a fan" etc. It'll be clearer once the story goes on, trust me. <3 Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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