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Rayna's POV

I wake up and instantly regret drinking as much as I did last night. My head was pounding. I looked over and noticed a glass of water with Tylenol beside it. I grabbed it and thanked the gods. I assumed Priya was in the bathroom or living room, so I headed down the hallway to the lounge. I found her on her laptop on the couch. "Morning, Pree. Thank you for the water and Tylenol." I said as I flopped down on the cushion next to her. She laughed and rubbed my shoulder. "I could tell you'd need it. How's your head?" She said as she reverted her focus back to her screen. "Ugh it's killing me. How's yours? You were definitely more wasted than I was, I'm surprised our roles aren't reversed right now." We laughed together. "No, I'm actually good surprisingly." She responded.

"Hey so I was thinking, we could start getting ready around 4, that gives us a lot of time. We want to be at the venue at 6:30 or 7? Just in case we can catch a glimpse of the boys." Priya showed me her laptop screen. On it, there was a layout of the arena, with our seats highlighted. "Wow, Pree. We're pretty damn close to the front. And yeah, your plan sounds good. Do you want me to make lunch now, seeing as it's almost lunch time?" I said, making my way towards her open-plan kitchen. She nodded in approval and I got to work, making cinnamon French toast.

It felt as though the day could not go any slower, it was only 2:30pm and we were bored out of our minds. "Holy shit, I forgot how slow time goes when you're excited for something." Priya groaned. I sighed and grunted in agreement. "I'm gonna go have a shower so my hair can be dry by the time we're getting ready." I pranced off, grabbed a dressing robe, towel, and headed towards the shower. I had recently cut my brown hair short, just above my shoulders. It was natural wavy, which so many people were jealous of.

"PRIYA!! IT'S 4 O'CLOCK, WE CAN FINALLY GET READY!" I screamed out, even though she was in the same room as me. She gasped, and we both raced to her bedroom. We took turns with the hair straighteners/curlers, mirror, makeup vanity, and bathroom. I went in the bathroom first. I brushed my pearly whites, and decided on wearing my nice set of underwear. "Why not feel good on the best night of my life?" I mumbled to myself as I slid the lace underwear low over my hips. I waltzed out of the bathroom which was connected to Priya's room and did a strut. "Ooooh Rayy! Who are you wearing those for?" She said, teasingly with a wink. I shrugged, "Just myself. I've got to feel got for tonight, right?" I said as I picked up my concert outfit and started tugging it on. I took a little while doing my makeup- no foundation or concealer because I knew I'd be sweating a lot tonight. I did a simple winged liner with a pop of maroon eyeshadow, and matching lipstick. My entire outfit and makeup matched really nicely, and for once in a very, very long time, I felt happy with my appearance. I still had a lot of nagging insecurities, though I pushed them away, at least just for tonight. I didn't do much to my hair, just pinned half of it up and curled it a little bit more to make the waves more beachy.

By 5:30, we were both made up, dressed up, and ready to go. "We should stop at Starbucks on the way. I can't go without my daily iced coffee!" Priya said excitedly as we stuffed our wallets, extra cash, tickets, and any other extra supplies we may need in to our handbags. We had already previously gotten Priya's car, so we decided to take hers to the venue. We stopped at Starbucks and Walmart on the way, grabbing crisp packets for the line, and got extras just in case.

We arrived at the arena and our excitement was skyrocketing. "AHHH I have very high hopes for this concert, Ray!" Priya squealed and dragged me out of the car, and in to a line that was forming. "Holy shit, there are already so many people here! I wonder if any of them stayed overnight?" I questioned as I took in my surroundings. Everyone had dressed so nicely- people were carrying around pride flags, Panic! at the Disco flags, some people had band merch on, and some people had got lyrics or symbols on their faces. I laughed as a teenager begged her friend to go to the face painting stand some fans had set up, they reminded me of my friendship with Priya. "Hey look! That group of fans had such a good idea, they can make money from painting faces. We should have thought of something like that!" I said, showing Priya the stand. She nodded in agreement and we headed towards the end of the line. It was already so long.

The thing about Panic! at the Disco is that they have so many fans, but a lot of people don't know who they are. It's crazy to think that the band who literally keep me on earth are performing in front of me tonight. I'm so grateful right now. Everything seemed to be going amazing.

After what felt like a lifetime, the line started moving forwards and you could hear the gasps and cheers from the people around us. Me and Priya exchanged an excited look and held hands. The line went down surprisingly fast, we got to the front, got our tickets and bags checked, and in we went.

"O. M. G. Pree look at the merchandise store! LOOK AT THAT DENIM JACKET!" I jumped up and down, pulling Priya towards the stand. We waited in line for what felt like forever, and we both bought a matching beanie, I got the denim jacket with P!ATD across the back, and Priya got a black t-shirt with silhouettes of the band members on the back. After our purchases, we made our way towards the entrance where our seats would be. There was still a few minutes before the opening act came on, and you could hear the murmurs of hundreds of people in the stadium. We got to our seats just in time for the opening act, and they played some songs we knew. We bopped our heads along and waited excitedly for Panic! to come out.

All of a sudden, a countdown appeared on the screen. Four minutes until the band came out. The cheers erupted from all corners of the stadium and I loved it, I loved the excitement that rushed through my body.

Then, as if almost no time passed, there was three minutes left.



10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1....

A/N~ Oisjddbnqdw OKAy so I'm gonna change it up for the next chapter lol I hope you guys LIKE IT!! And also I doubt I'll get any views but if there's anything specific I should add them let me knowwww! Also try spot the two song references lol. Love you lots,

Amber xox.

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