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*Timeskip to 3 days later

Rayna's POV

I had just gotten off work, and I was at home making myself a late lunch. It was around 1:30pm and I was chilling at home before going out for the night with Priya. We were going to have a girls night at a club and get... well, wasted, to say the least. I sat down at the table and started eating my salad when my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and instantly answered when I saw who was calling.

"Hey Brendon." I said, smiling as I answered. "Rayna. Rayna where are you right now?" He sounded panicked and it instantly made me drop the smile I had on, and made me feel sick. "I- Uh, I'm at home. What's wrong, Brendon?" I asked, my heart rate rising. "I need your help. Please." I could practically hear him scrunching his face up and gripping the hair on his head. I immediately threw the salad in the fridge and grabbed my wallet. "I'm on my way to your house now." I said, hanging up and sprinting to the car. I didn't bother putting any good music on, I just left the radio playing. 

I tapped my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel as I entered the Los Angeles traffic. "UGH! Fucking hurry up!" I groaned at the long line of traffic. It wasn't actually too bad, I just needed to get to Brendon as soon as I could. I floored my foot on the gas pedal as soon as the light turned green and I quickly made my way to Brendon's house in less than 10 minutes.

I flung myself out of the car and ran to the door, not bothering knocking or ringing the doorbell. I threw the door open and ran inside, the door slamming shut behind me. I frantically searched for Brendon, and freaked out as my heart raced and my mind flooded with thoughts. What if he was going to break up with me? Is his family okay? Is he okay? What could possible be so wrong that he called me in the middle of a breakdown? WHERE IS HE? Oh god, please be okay.

"Brendon? Where are you?" I called out, rounding a corner in to the living room. I found him sitting hopelessly lost on the couch, staring at the ground. I ran to him and sat beside him, holding his hand with my own. "Brendon, what's wrong? I'm here now. Talk to me." My eyebrows were furrowed out of confusion and sadness. He looked genuinely crushed. "T-They left." He mumbled. At this point I was very confused and concerned. "Brendon, who? Wh-" I realised what he was talking about when a tear slid from his eye. Dallon and Spencer left the band. I let out a small breath and looked at him as he broke down in front of me. His sadness quickly turned to anger. "They fucking left the band. They left me all alone. FUCK!" He stood up, picked up an empty vase and threw it on the ground. It shattered, the pieces and shards flinging in every direction. "Brendon! Calm down. Take a moment and breathe. Sit back down." I commanded, pulling his sleeve so he'd get the message.

"You don't need to worry about the future right now, Brendon. Just worry about sorting out your stuff that needs to be sorted right now. Don't worry about future tours or future albums or any of that shit, okay? Just for now, live in the moment." I said. I used this technique when my parents passed away and it had helped me so much. He sighed and put his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Rayna. I'm so sorry." He said, leaning in to me. I rubbed his back and kissed the top of his head. "Don't you dare be sorry, B. I'm here for you through thick and thin. We're in this together, my love." I said, smiling as he leaned back and looked at me. I could see the hurt in his eyes and it broke my heart. I hugged him and he hugged me back, holding on longer than usual. "Brendon, you don't have to be afraid. Just because they left, doesn't mean I will too." I whispered as I pulled away. He smiled sadly and stood up. "I fucking appreciate every single thing you do for me, you know? You are goddamn special, Ray." He said, holding his hand out for me to grab. He pulled me up and brought me to the kitchen.

"I need to contact Zack, the management, the record label, literally everyone. And I have to find out a way to tell the fans." He said, opening up his laptop. I walked over and closed the lid. "No. Not now. You aren't ready. Give it a day or two, think everything over, and don't forget that I'll be there every step of the way." I said, resting my hand on top of his. His warmth radiated through to my palm and I smiled. He groaned and sat at the island counter. "You should be my manager, you are so good at sorting this shit out." He joked, making me laugh. "Pfft, no. But I would be honoured." I said, joking back.


"I need to go home and get ready, Priya and I are going out tonight. Are you sure you're going to be okay alone?" I asked, picking up my wallet. He shrugged and kissed my cheek. "I'd be better with you here, but I think being alone for a bit should be good. Come see me tomorrow though, if you can." He said, rubbing his thumb over my cheek. I smiled and leaned in, connecting our lips and feeling the almost familiar fuzzy feeling in my heart that always made me happy. "Of course I will. Anything for you." I said after pulling away. "Goodbye, B. I'll see you tomorrow." I waved to him and walked back out to my car. I felt much better now, knowing what was wrong and knowing that I had helped him calm down a little bit. I didn't want to leave him alone in this state, but he promised me he'd message me or call me if he felt like he did earlier.

I arrived home at 5:30pm, giving me an hour and 15 minutes to get ready before Priya came over. I turned on the shower, washed my hair and body, and then got dried. I rummaged through my drawers and closet, and decided on a body-hugging grey sparkly dress and some black heels. I paired the heels with a black handbag, and did a smokey eye. By the time Priya got here, I was just finishing doing my hair in a few braids.

"Hey girl hey!" I exclaimed, walking over to her. I gave her a hug and then admired her outfit. She was wearing a short black leather skirt and a tight red long sleeve shirt tucked in. "Wow you look amazing!" She complimented me. "No, nothing compared to you." I said, smirking at her. "Pfft. I called the cab on my way here so it should be here soon." She said. We learnt from our past mistakes not to drive there, for us to just realise that we were too intoxicated to drive back. I nodded and we waited by the front door for the cab to come. Tonight would be a lot of fun.

A/N: Yeeee this chapter is a little bit longer! ALSO: I don't know the situation with Panic! splitting and etc so pls don't criticise lol thanks love you haha xox also I realised that my WILD plans for this story are very wild and this book may have to have multiple parts so I hope thats ok!!  Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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