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Rayna's POV

I was at work, cleaning up the bookshelves. I really loved this bookstore. It was cute and cozy, and it also had a door to the cafe next door that I went to with Brendon. The cafe and bookstore were both owned by the same person, so whatever sales the bookstore made, was shared with the cafe works, and vice versa. We got a surprising amount of customers here, considering how a lot of stuff is just online now.

It was 3:30pm on a Tuesday, and it was at the time of day where work was slow. I scrolled through my phone for a bit, catching up on the news and looking through new posts on Instagram. I got a notification from Brendon's twitter and immediately tapped on it.

brendonurie: I am happy. How bout you.

I smiled at his tweet and typed a response, along with his countless other fans.

ray_kingston: I am extremely bored.

I pressed the tweet button and locked my phone to get back to dusting the shelves. A few moments later, I felt my phone vibrating up a storm. I checked it and smiled, blushing at what I saw.

brendonurie: I guess we'll have to fix that.

I already had hundreds of likes and retweets from Brendon's fans on my single post that was literally so irrelevant compared to anything else. I wondered what he meant by that? I shook my head and put my phone back in to my back pocket.

A few customers had come in, just browsing, but not really bothering to purchase anything. Today was a very slow work day. It was already 4:30pm, and I couldn't wait to get out of here. "Just half an hour." I mumbled to myself, as the bell above the door rang, signifying that someone was entering. I looked up to greet the customer and was shocked to see Brendon standing in front of me. I gasped. "Brendon! What are you doing here?" I asked, walking around the counter to give him a quick hug. He pulled away and shrugged. "You said you were bored right? And I know you get off in 30 minutes so I was thinking of keeping you company." He said, smirking down at me. I scrunched my nose up at him and walked back behind the counter. "You really do know how to make a woman happy." He smiled at my comment and took a stool from a bench and placed in in front of the counter, sitting on it. "What do you want to do after you get off?" He asked, leaning his chin in his hand. "Anything. Something. Whatever you want. Surprise me." I said, tidying up the drawers. He straightened his back and thought for a moment. "What about ice cream in the park?" He asked. I smiled and nodded.

I locked up the bookstore, and shut the blinds. Brendon put his hood up and sunglasses on. It must be weird, not being able to go anywhere in public without having to disguise yourself. He held out his arm, and I linked mine around his. He opened the passenger door for me. "Here you are, m'lady." He said, jokingly. I did a mini curtsy. "Thank you kind sir!" I said, hopping in to the car. He shut my door, and got in to the drivers side. I plugged my phone in to his aux cord and played some Queen. I watched as he gripped the steering wheel, furrowed his brows while focussing, and sang along to every word of every song. He was a treasure, this boy.

We arrived at the quiet end of the park and wandered through, finding the ice cream stall. "Hey, can I get two vanilla cones please." Brendon paid for our ice creams, which I argued with him about, but he won. "Hey, I stayed with you at Priya's while only knowing you for two days. It's the least I can do." I sighed and hugged him. "Thank you." I said, while licking the ice cream on my cone.

We eventually found a bench to sit on and talk. "How are your dogs? You haven't seen them in a while, considering you went on tour." I made conversation. "Oh yeah, they were so happy to see me, and I was so glad to come home and cuddle with them. I missed them a lot." He said, smiling. I nodded, giving him a small smile in return. "Um, Rayna? Can I ask, you don't have to answer if it makes you upset or uncomfortable, but what happened to your parents?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed. I let out a breath that I seemed to be holding in. "Yeah, it's fine. Um, when I was 10, they went on vacation for a few weeks with their friends, so I had to stay with my grandparents. While they were on a cruise, something happened on the boat and they died. I can't quite remember if it was because of rough seas or just a malfunction, but all I know is I'm never going on a cruise." I said, laughing sadly. He let out a sad, quiet "oh", and put his hand on my knee. "I'm really sorry. That fucking sucks." His voice was soft. "Like I said, it was 11 years ago. It still hurts, but it's not as bad as it was, considering I don't have to live with my grandparents anymore." I said, offering him a fake smile. He nodded and kissed the top of my head. I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed. He grabbed my hand and I played with his fingers. "Do you want me to take you home now?" He asked quietly. I nodded and stood up, intertwining my fingers with his.

"Bye Brendon, thank you for today. I appreciate it." I said as I shut the car door. I waved as he drove away, and then turned around and headed inside. Priya was lounging on the bed, playing games on her phone. "Hey Rayna! How'd your date go?" She said, wiggling her eyebrows and putting emphasis on the word 'date'. I snorted and hit her with my handbag. "You and I both know that wasn't a date." I said, picking up some of my clothes from around the room. "I'm going to go home today. If you want you can stay over tonight or whenever, I mean, you do have a key to my house too." I explained.

I finished packing all of my bags that I had arrived with. "Make sure you do stay sometime soon. Percy misses you." I said, hugging Priya. Percy was my old fluffy cat, who loved Priya. She smiled and nodded. "Of course I'll come. Only to see Percy though." She winked and opened the front door for me. I waved at her from my car, started the ignition, and headed home.

A/N: WELL I see we have had some views overnight and honestly? I'm shocked. This story is crap and we all know it. Again, I would just like to point out- I do not view Brendon in a romantic or sexual way! Thank u this has been a psa. Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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