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*Trigger warning

Rayna's POV

I was in absolute shock. "Priya. Priya, did that just happen? Did Brendon Boyd Urie call specifically us backstage? Did he really just hug us? Did he really just spend time with us? And did he actually ask for my number?" I said, staring at the road as Priya drove. "Yes. Wait, what? HE ASKED FOR YOUR NUMBER!? Did you say yes?? Tell me you gave it to him!" She was so happy right now, it made me laugh. "Of course I did! Wait... what if he doesn't text me? What if he does? Ohmygod ohmygod PRIYA BRENDON URIE HAS MY PHONE NUMBER!!" I bounced up and down in my seat. This night was 100% the best thing that's ever happened to me. I am more than happy right now.

"Pree?" I called out in to the darkness of Priya's room. We got home about an hour ago. He still hadn't texted me yet. "Yeah, Ray?" She responded. "What if he thinks I'm weird? I mean, I am a fan after all." I whispered. I was ending the night on a sad note, letting the emotions and sadness get to me. This always happens after I mange to have an actually alright or good day. She sat up and looked at me, her face illuminated from her laptop screen. "Rayna. You know how amazing I think you are. Anyone is deranged to think anything otherwise. Including yourself. You're amazing, beautiful, kind, funny, everything anybody could ever wish to be. Don't forget, even Brendon Urie thinks you're hot." She laughed at the end and winked. I gave a half-hearted smile and rolled over. "Thank you Priya. You're the best person ever. Don't forget that." I said, while the negative thoughts consumed me as I drifted away in to a slumber.


"You don't deserve to live, Rayna. Just do it. What are you waiting for? Just go away. You deserve all the pain you get, and more."

"Yeah, just kill yourself. Get hit by a car, fall off a cliff, anything you can do. Just do it. Nobody wants you here, you piece of shit."

How could they be saying this right now? Please let me be happy, let me be free, for once. Please LEAVE ME ALONE!

"Rayna! Wake up, it's just a dream. You're okay. I'm here. You're alright." Priya woke me up. I sobbed in her arms and shook my head. "I'm so sorry, Priya. I'm sorry. I fucked everything up. I'm sorry." I cried. "Ray, no. I'm your best friend, and you're mine. There's not a single thing I wouldn't do just to make sure you're okay and safe." She shook her head and held me closer. I wiped my eyes and smiled at her. "I love you, you know that? Thank you for always being here for me during my best and worst times. I could never wish for someone other than you." I said to her, hugging her back. She pulled away and smiled. "I love you too. And you should check your phone." She smiled wider and handed me my phone. I was confused, obviously dazed from the nightmare I had just had. I've been having nightmares since I turned 13, but they're gradually getting worse over time. I looked at the time and noticed it was 9am, not too bad, considering most of my nightmares occur in the middle of the night. "Priya, why am I checking my pho- oh my god. Oh. My. God. He texted me!!" I jumped up and let out a laugh of shock. "Of course he did! Why wouldn't he!?" Priya said, still smiling.

Brendon: Hey Rayna. It's Brendon. Sorry I didn't text you last night, I fell asleep as soon as we got to the hotel. What are you doing today?

"Oh my god what do I say?" I squealed after reading his message out to Priya. "Just be yourself I guess?" She shrugged and waited for me to type a response.

Rayna: Hey Brendon. I'm not doing anything, probably just a Netflix day today. Got any plans?

I hit send and anxiously waited for his response. After a short minute, the typing bubbles popped up. My heart felt fuzzy as he sent another message.

Brendon: I was hoping to take you out for lunch or something, unless your date with Netflix was too important (;

I squeaked and showed Priya his message. "Is he asking me on a date??" I whisper-shouted. She smirked at me and urged me to respond.

Rayna: Hmm, I'm sure I can make time for you. Pick me up at 12!

I sent him Priya's address, and the cute cafe I had in mind. He agreed, and told me he'd send me a message before he left. "I seriously can't believe I'm going out for lunch with the man who saved my life. Wait that's weird. Now that I know him on a personal level, I have to reset every emotion and feeling I've ever had towards him, so that he doesn't find me weird. Shit." I mumbled. Priya laughed and slapped my leg. "Like I said, just. be. yourself. He will love you, just as I do. Go with the flow, babes." She said as she pulled me up. "Now you've got to help me make breakfast, since we are both up at the same time for once." She laughed.

After we made a light breakfast and ate it while catching up on twitter, I started getting ready for today. I don't know whether to call it a date? Or just lunch? I don't even know if I can call Brendon a friend yet. This situation is so weird. I put on a simple long-sleeve navy dress with tights and black zip ankle boots. I decided to straighten my hair today. When it was straight, it brushed the top of my shoulders which I liked. I flipped my hair over one side and got to work on my makeup, doing a natural eyeshadow and a nude lipstick. By the time I finished getting ready, packing my handbag and everything, it was already 11:45. I checked my phone and saw I had a message from him saying he was on his way and he would be about 10 minutes.

About 10 minutes passed and I checked outside, seeing a black SUV pull up outside. I smiled and got up, checking my reflection before leaving. "He's here! Wish me luck, bye Pree!" I called out. "Bye, good luck, and use protection!" Priya called back, making me laugh. I locked the door behind me- having a spare key to Priya's was good for desperate times, unlike now. Brendon was waiting for me, leaning on the passenger door. I smiled and made my way towards him, giving him a hug. "Hey Brendon, you look rather dashing today." He had some black skinny jeans on and a dark grey sweatshirt that looked really comfy. He smiled, and looked rather adorable. "Of course I do. Just kidding. You look very beautiful, Rayna." He said as he opened my door for me. I smiled at the gesture. "Such a gentleman!" I giggled. He got in on the drivers side and we buckled out seatbelts in. He started the car up, and I noticed he had his phone plugged in to the aux cord. "Can I choose a song?" I asked. He nodded and unlocked his phone with his fingerprint. I scrolled through his playlists and settled on Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy. He glanced at me quickly before refocussing on the road. I don't think he knew that I noticed, but he kept glancing at me throughout the drive, and we sang all the way to the cafe.

A/N: weowww I am not good at writing sORRY asrrdwhwbf!!! Also I will be updating a LOT over the next few days/weeks sooo I hope that's all great with you guys! Love you lots,

Amber xox.

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