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*Timeskip to a few weeks later

Brendon's POV

I got out of the shower and stood in the middle of my closet, wondering what to wear. I was taking Rayna on a date tonight, a picnic dinner at a secluded spot where I go to watch the sunset and think over things. Not many people knew about the spot, but I thought it would be nice to show her it because it was like a way of subconsciously telling her I trust her. I decided on my usual black skinny jeans, but this time I wore a white button-down. It wasn't a formal thing at all, I just wanted to put some effort in to what I wore tonight. I combed my hair and then sprayed deodorant all over.

After I finished getting ready, I packed a tote bag that I had found lying around with wine, champagne, a few snacks, and a bracelet I bought for Rayna. I know we had only been together for about a month now, but I could tell my feelings for her were more than just a bit of a 'crush'. I wanted to tell her that tonight, without making it awkward. I continued to pack the tote bag with napkins and other stuff, then checked the time. It was 6:30pm, and I told Rayna that I'd be there to pick her up at 6:45pm. I quickly made my way to my car and put the bag in the backseat. Before leaving, I texted Rayna.

Brendon: Coming now. Dress nice but comfortable. X

Rayna: I can't wait. I missed you. :) xx

I smiled and started driving, listening to Queen on my way.

I arrived at Rayna's about 15 minutes later. She bounced down her porch stairs to the car and I was starstruck. I took in her beautiful appearance as she walked around to the passenger side and hopped in the car. She had curled her hair, and it rested just above her shoulders. Her makeup was done to perfection- but not that she needed any, and she was wearing a beautiful black dress. "Hey, B." She smiled and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek. I smiled and put my hand on her thigh. "Hey, Ray. How are you?" I smiled and turned the engine back on. "I'm good, much better now that I'm with you though. Are you going to tell me where we're going yet?" She asked, placing her hand over my own that was still resting on her leg. "It's a surprise. I'll explain it when we get there. Now tell me all about your first time at the apprenticeship! I missed you." I said, changing the subject so she wouldn't ask questions. "Oh my god I loved it. I stayed at a hotel this time, but the woman who was also working there overhead me explain to Joe, the master, that I didn't know what to do about staying in hotels all the time, and she said she knew her daughter's friend needed a room mate and she gave me her number. So when I called and met up with her, she said it would be great if I could stay those few nights and pay rent just for the days I stay, which ended up being less than a hotel would cost." She explained. I looked over at her and saw the light in her eyes as she talked about her experience, and I could tell she was happy.

After talking and driving for another 15 minutes, we arrived at the top of a cliff. I had already set up the spot we were going to be at, so all I needed to do was set out the stuff I brought. "I hope you're not going to throw me off the cliff." She said jokingly as she got out of the car. I laughed and grabbed the bag out of the back. I locked the car up and held her hand, taking her in the direction of the set up. She had a huge smile on her face and it gave me a boost of confidence. I hope she likes it.

We walked in to a clearing- the picnic blanket and candles set up just like I had left it. "Here we are." I leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. She stood there for a moment, then turned and hugged me. "This is so beautiful, Brendon." She said, kissing me quickly and then grabbing my hand so we could sit down together. I smiled and followed her. "This place has a lot of meaning to me. I come here whenever I need time to think, or when I want to watch the sunset. I've never showed anyone this place before." I said the last part quietly, but she heard me, and crawled over to me. She held my face in her hands and looked deep in to my eyes. "Brendon, this is so much more than perfect and thoughtful. I love this." I could tell she meant it, and then I leaned in, grabbed her waist and kissed her. She smiled in to the kiss and pulled away after a few moments.

I pulled out the drinks and plastic cups. She smiled and reached for the champagne, popping the top off. As she took a sip of her drink, I rummaged around in the bag for the box with the bracelet. I pulled it out and hid it slightly, but kept it in my hand. She was admiring the sunset, which painted the sky an array of yellows, oranges, and pinks. I snapped a few photos of her, just to capture the moment. She turned back to me and smiled for a few more photos.

"Rayna, um, I have something to say." I said, clearing my throat. She nodded and put her drink down beside her. "What's up?" She asked, a large smile still present on her face. I cleared my throat once again, and then spoke up. "You and I have known each other for only two months, just over two months, I think. And although I know it's been fast but short, I have had so many new experiences and so much fun with you. You make me happier than I've ever been, despite some kind of shit things happening in our time together. You are special to me, Rayna. You're one of a kind. You deserve all of the happiness in the world." I slowly pulled the box out and opened it, showing Rayna the silver bracelet with a rose gold sun in the middle. "I chose a sun, because you're the light in the dark." I whispered, watching her eyes water. "Brendon, I-I'm at a loss for words. This is so amazing. Oh my god..." She stuttered on every word and gently took the box out of my hands. She admired the finer details of the bracelet and I watched as her smile somehow grew wider. "Thank you, Brendon. I love it" She said, taking it out and putting it on. I gulped and smiled back. "And I love you."

A/N: SKskSKKSs WILD, also I really apologise for being inactive these past few days, I've been busy trying to sign contracts for my new jobs and aksdjjdbs, and I was staying with a friend. ANYWAY, hope everyone is doing wellllll. Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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