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*Timeskip to the morning

Rayna's POV

I woke up with a splitting headache. I instantly regretted drinking as much as I did last night, but at the same time, I also loved the amount of fun Priya and I had whenever we got drunk together. I got up slowly and shuffled to the kitchen. I grabbed two glasses of water and stuck a packet of Tylenol in my dressing gown pocket and made my slow, but merry way back to my room.

"Urghhh. Must. Have. Painkillers." I heard Priya groan from under multiple layers of duvets. "Your wish has been granted." I laughed lightly and watched as she pulled the covers back and guzzle the water and Tylenol. After recovering from waking up, she looked at me and we both burst in to a fit of laughter. "Last night was... AMAZING." She said, in between snorts. "Yeah, like when that guy tried to grind on me so I shoved him away and he started grinding on that guy with the long hair who he thought was a girl!" I said, wheezing at the end of my recount of last night. "Or when that dude was blackout drunk and tried to drink his drink upside down and fell off his chair!" Priya added, making our laughing fit even louder. This is one of the many reasons why I loved Priya- everything with her was 10 times funnier, and just overall better.


"I need to go see Brendon soon. I don't know if I can tell you about this, but I trust you not to tell anyone, obviously. He has been having problems with Dallon and Spencer. They're leaving the band." I explained to Priya as I packed up my backpack with clothes just in case he wanted me to stay the night. "Oh fuck. Shit. You're kidding?" Priya said, her face dropping. I sighed and stood up. "This sucks. I mean, Panic! at the Disco are still my favourite band, despite Brendon being my boyfriend. I am actually really upset over this but I can't compare that to how Brendon must be feeling." I said, my eyes filling with tears. Priya furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, you and Brendon are together now? Like, for real? And also yeah, I get that. Now that I know Brendon personally, it feels different, but it still hurts too." I nodded and smiled sadly at her. "I wanted to tell you sometime when we had been together for a bit longer, it's only been 4 days. He asked me to be his girlfriend when we stayed at yours with Jessica." I explained. "Aw that's so adorable, Rayna. You go see your mans and cheer him up." She said, giving me a hug. "Thank you for understanding, Pree. I love you." I said, smiling at her after we separated.

I continued to pack my bag and then went in to the bathroom to get changed. I couldn't be bothered showering, considering I did have a shower last night. I threw on a baggy grey t-shirt and some plain black leggings. To disguise the lingering but small smell of leftover alcohol, I sprayed deodorant and antiperspirant all over my body. I applied a small amount of makeup and then brushed my teeth.


"Bye, Pree, I'll see you sometime soon." I said as I threw my stuff in my car, and she unlocked her own car. "Yeah, of course. Tell Brendon I'm sorry and I'm here if he needs it." She said, smiling and getting in to the drivers side. I smiled and nodded, getting in my own car and texting Brendon.

Rayna: On my way. Be there in 30. Xx

Brendon: Can't wait.

I smiled and started driving off to the Whole Foods Market closest to Brendon's house.

I shopped a little bit for stuff to bring to Brendon's, kind of as comfort food. I knew he liked chocolates, so I bought a few blocks of random kinds. Once I finished at the supermarket, I drove to Starbucks and got two coffees- mine iced, and his hot. I also went to Taco Bell and ordered a two chicken quesadillas, and some fries. I finally made my way to Brendon's house, and carried my (now millions) of bags to the door. Before I got to knock, the door flew open, revealing a very angry looking Dallon. He looked at me and sighed. "Hello, Rayna. Hope you're doing well." He said. Something about the way he said it sounded like I was being judged. All of a sudden, I felt very self-conscious and I swallowed. "H-Hi Dallon. I hope you're alright." I replied with a small smile. He nodded and walked off, towards his car. I watched him slam his car door and speed off. "Hey, I'm sorry you saw that." My attention turned to the very tired looking man in the doorway. He had dark circles under his eyes, and he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. "Brendon, are you okay? What was that all about?" I asked, following him inside.

I placed the food and drinks down on the island counter and watched as Brendon immediately dove for the coffee. "Dallon came to let me know that it wasn't my fault that him and Spencer were leaving, so I got fired up and I was all like, 'Oh it's not me it's you? I've heard that a million times', and he got pissed that I was pissed, and yeah. But turns out they left because they just didn't feel like the band was the thing for them anymore." He explained, after taking a big sip of his coffee. I watched him carefully and nodded. "Are you okay?" I asked. This must have set him off because he looked down, and slowly set his coffee cup on the table. He was silent for a moment and then he looked at me, fury and sadness mixed in to his expression. "I'm far from okay right now, Rayna. I do not ever want to yell at you but I'm so upset right now and I don't know what to do." I could tell he was trying so hard to stay calm. I looked at him desperately and then walked over to his side of the counter and hugged him as tight as I could. I held on for a long time and eventually, he hugged me back. He sighed and played with my hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." He mumbled and I just nodded in to his chest. "Don't worry about it, it's to be expected." I said, rubbing his back. "I know, I'm just so grateful for you. You're so amazing and I can't believe you're all mine." He said, smiling and kissing me. "I could definitely say the same thing about you, Mr. Urie." I smiled and hugged him again.

A/N: OkAY so. I'm doing a lot of this from Rayna's POV because I mainly don't know how the band breakup and shit works/worked. and also THANK YOU FOR 100+ VIEWS! I know it's just a number but it's so nice to see so many people read my shit. Thanks y'all, I really do appreciate it. Lots of love,

Amber xox.

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