Chapter 2

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~Splitting Pain~

Author's P.O.V.:

Greg turned to look at Jack, from his laptop, who entered the dorm room.

"Yo Jack? Where've you been?" He asked his room mate, surprised at his sudden entrance and the fact that he decided to go out.

"I was invited to come look at some 'secret base' in the forest behind the school" Jack replied, taking off his socks and shoes and closing the door behind him.

"Oh really? Invited by who?" Greg asked, now closing his laptop.

"You know that Jenny girl in our first period class?" When Jack said that, Greg's smile slowly faded.

"Dude, she's weird" Greg told his friend.

"What do you mean she's weird? Weird like how?" Jack asked in confusion.

"You know what kind of shit she reads? She has like, books upon books about these freaky-ass cults. I shit you not" Greg replied nervously.

"Oh hush, you sound like (y/n)" Jack spoke, but he was getting suspicious, since two of his friends have told him the same thing.

"Jack, I'm serious, and speaking of (y/n), did something happen earlier?" Greg asked his friend.

"Well, she was badmouthing Jenny, so I told her not to, why?" Jack looked at his friend.

"She left in a hurry, I think she was crying, I am not sure but I saw a tear slip down her face" Greg looked down at his lap, where his laptop rested.

"Oh, I should probably talk to her" Jack checked out the window, noticing it was night "tomorrow."

"You should" Greg spoke, agreeing to Jack.

"Well, I'm gonna take a shower, there is another storm coming" Jack took some clothes and made his way to the bathroom.

"Aw man, really? I was going to go out with Gabby tonight" Greg moaned sadly as he looked outside the window as Jack chuckled at his friend.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I woke up late at night with a churning feeling in my stomach. Immediately the feeling to check up on my friends washed up over me, making me turn protective.

I checked up on Edna and sighed, noticing she was fine. After properly dressing up, I quietly exited my dorm and quickly yet silently walked down the hallway and headed for Jack's dorm. Once I was there, I knocked, I was surprised when Greg immediately answered. His face told me he was awake.

"Greg, where's Jack?" I asked him, worry taking over every fiber of my being. Greg pulled me in and closed the door. He pulled me over to his window.

"See that smoke, Jack went there to check up on the hiding spot that Jenny showed him, its somewhere there" Greg showed me "I'm worried, Jack told me that he had a dream about this thing called chernobog and some people in robes and weird masks preaching it and some... Paradise. I think these two are related" Greg looked at me. I was terribly worried.

"It definitely has to do something with it, I'm gonna check up on him, call the police or something if we don't return" I ordered him and left the dorm building. Hurrying down the small path that I noticed going to the spot Greg showed me.

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