Chapter 19

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~Locked in a duffle bag~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was only reading on my bed a book that was stored in EJ's room. There are some books in every room, and by some I mean, entire rows, but that's good since I'll have something to do. EJ told me that some of these books he brought here for reading, and some of these books struck out as interesting to him so he got them.

Many of these books are notably famous. And entertaining too, at least I'll be able to increase my vocabulary as I stay here. Did I mention the previous owners have a thick dictionary neatly stored away inside the deepest part of the closet in my room.

Back to present, I was only reading peacefully when a giant duffel bag was thrown in front of me, almost squishing me and making the bed jump. I jumped up a few good feet in air with the book held close to my chest as I stared at the bag in surprise and then at EJ in fear. He only pointed to the bag as he stared at me with those empty eyes of his.

I was dumbstruck as I sat there unmoving. What triggered this kind of reaction from me is kind of obvious, but every inch of my being knew that EJ won't take my silence as a good sign, and his reaction might be worse, yet my body refused to react anymore.

"What are you ogling at?!" He snapped at me, I could tell he was losing his patience. I jumped up a bit at the sudden loudness of his already scary deep voice.

With quick I opened the big bag, only to find it empty. I closed it properly and turned to EJ.

"You're coming with me tonight" EJ turned around and started walking, but I was quick to speak up.

"W-wait! At least tell me what and why?" I asked him, he suddenly stopped and I froze, literally, it felt like my heartbeat, my brain, everything stopped for just a second. Suddenly, a deafening whiz passed my left ear, and my head suddenly turned to eye the object that passed by me. Behind me, on the wall was a knife, and it was digging deep into the wooden wall. My face must've turned blue, because I won't be surprised if it did. I quickly turned my head to EJ, only to find him right ahead of me.

"You ask too much questions" he twirled a lock of my hair around his gloves fingers as I stated at him in death like since and stiffness. he then titled his head at my shallow breathing and shaking body "suddenly so silent, how come?" I could feel the grin in his voice as he eyed my shaking form, my eyes filled up with tears.

"I-I..." I yelped in pain with eyes clenched shut when he pulled on the lock really hard, and he let go, dropping a few (h/c) hair strands, which fell down so slowly as if they were mocking me.

"I didn't asked you to speak" he spoke in a emotionless tone, I sniffed and tried to blink the tears away, but a couple of them fell down. He went silent and unmoving, as he examined me. I was shaking in fear, the pain in the place where he pulled my hair was terrible, and I wanted to rub to soothe it, but his presence was dnoug to make me freeze and not make a slightest movement.

He sighed and rested his hand on the top part of his mask, then looked at me again with his hands hanging to his side's, he then pointed to the bag, "We will be going to your home tonight, you'll pack up the stuff you need in this bag." He then looked at me "any queries?"

I was hesitant to speak, as I opened my mouth, I stopped myself, my hand subconsciously going to my injury as I looked down, tears filling my eyes once again as I tried to ease up a bit.

"Go on ahead, I won't bite" he encouraged and then added "unless it's a stupid question." His sentence made me even more hesitant, but I know that he won't be patient for long, I better ask or not ask. I decided with the former, hoping it's not stupid in his mind.

"Aren't there any cops? Or my family? What if they see us?" I closed my eyes tightly and tensed myself, waiting to be attacked or something, but the smooth voice coming from his mouth made me open my eyes and look up.

"Your family is currently in a hotel for a temporary basis so that the Alpha Mythos can investigate freely, however because of some other murders around the area, most of them won't be around to keep an eye on your house at late night, we will sneaking in then" he spoke and nodded at himself but I could tell the air around him was grim, then continued "anything else?"

"What is Alpha Mythos?" I asked him quietly and if possible, the air turned heavier.

"They are an special FBI investigation team, created specially for the likes of us, inhuman serial killers" he answered my question and I nodded in understanding, I could tell he was suddenly tense.

"Have you ever bee-" I was interrupted by him.

"That's enough" he spoke in a deathly calm tone that send chills down my spine. I hid my arms behind me as they were covered by goosebumps. I nodded obediently and silenced myself. He looked at me once, then his eyes were brought to the window, he immediately barged outside my room for whatever reason only he knows. I finally let myself completely calm down, then glanced at the giant duffel bag.

"Where did he get this?" I asked myself as I examined the object at my disposal. "He must've gotten it on his mission..... if we will be going back to a possibly dangerous for him place, won't he need rest?" I answered my question, then asked myself another one. Putting the bag away, I stood off the bed and exited my room, looking for EJ.

Hesitantly I walked up to the open front door, and peeled out to see EJ sitting on the porch, twirling his scalpel expertly between his fingers. I didn't realize I was staring at his hand holding and twirling th.e scalpel until a voice broke me out of my trance.

"Something you want?" He was looking at me as I jumped slightly. I nodded.

"Y-you should catch some rest.... You must be tired" now that I see it, his upper part, I saw his other hand was holding a half bitten kidney and the lower part of his mask was pushed, showing his mouth. I gulped.

"You don't need to be concerned, I'm a inhuman killer, I don't need rest" he hissed out, he didn't shout or anything but it still scared me to the point that I shut the door and went inside my room directly.


Eyeless Jack sighed as he passed his hand through his hair and quickly finished his kidney, and pulled down his mask. He stopped, and stared out at the woods, multiple thoughts running in his mind.

He sighed and decided to heed the human female's advice, she's right, those cops are dangerous and he will have to be on his most cautious self to get this done without any problems, or complications.

He regretted taking her with him, but at the same he didn't, he doesn't even know why he took her in the first place. He sighed again and shuddered, looking at the blue sky as he remembered the question she was going to ask him.

"Have you been caught or faced them?" Was what she would have asked had he not stopped her. That is pointless question, and he didn't care. He stopped thinking and decided to get a nap.


I jumped up when I heard EJ's door close shut loudly, and then sighed in relief, he must've went to sleep. I'm glad he decided to listen.

~But never taken out~

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