Chapter 15

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~Monster by your bed~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

My brother let out a scream as he leaped out of the way. EJ hit the hallway wall hard, and I winced when I heard the thud. My brother screamed bloody murder again and EJ shook his head, holding his ears. When my brother stopped, EJ growled. I immediately got off my bed with a hammering heart. Greg hurried to my side as EJ got up.

"What is this!?!? Is this the Hunter from the left for dead series!!! The infection is here! Run!!!" Greg shook me as he shouted this. In the meantime, EJ recovered and looked at Greg, and he pounced again. Greg shook me hard till my vision went blur, then suddenly hauled me up over his shoulder and ran outside the room as EJ hit the wall, again. Greg didn't stop screaming until we were downstairs and mom had joined him in panic too. When he stopped screaming, a few seconds later, EJ crawled on fours till he was up the staircase, it seems he doesn't like loud noises and they made him more pissed off. EJ then jumped down, straight on mom. He roared and tried to hack at her with his now torn leather gloves which had claws peeking out from them. I panicked and from the side, leapt at EJ, tackling him to the ground. We wrestled there for a few seconds before he had quickly pinned me down with so much brute strength that I could feel the bruising and the swelling. I held his body up as he slashed at me with his nails.... claws.

Greg came up behind the mad cannibal and hit his head repeatedly with his trusty bat, until his bat broke. EJ stopped for a second, and looked at my teared up, shaking and sweaty form. He lifted his head up and growled again. This time, successfully pouncing on Greg and pinning him down. Mom was already calling the cops, but she was shaking so bad that she kept messing up every time. I don't blame her. But EJ was trying to cut Greg into pieces. I need to do something quick. I quickly looked around as Greg tried to stop EJ with the broken bat. I took a deep breath and decided to do the most stupidest thing any human could ever do.

"Oi! EJ!! You asshole! Stop messing and look at me!!" At my call, the enraged monster turned his head at me, only to see the middle finger of both of my hands. "Fuck you!" I shouted out not too loud, I don't wanna anger him more to a point I won't be able to hold him back, he growled loudly, he stood up, properly and walked towards me, growling, I pulled down my hands and gulped, imagining what would come next.

He walked up to me and I backed up a little, until he suddenly slashed at me, at which point, I covered my face, getting deep scratches on my arm, and a few on my stomach, which were not that deep.

He lunged at me and pinned me down when suddenly, very, very loud sirens blared through the windows, with red and blue lights shining through them. The cops were here. EJ suddenly stopped and screamed, holding his ears, until he stopped screaming altogether, we all watched him and it seemed as he....turned off his kill everything more because he looked at me then around him, his breathing was normal, while mine was heavy, I was bleeding and the sweat was making the cuts burn badly. I didn't know what he thought at that time, but the next thing I know, he was jumping out my open window with me on his shoulder. Somehow, he like lightning, got off me, hauled me over his shoulder and was already running out the window.

"(Y/n)!!!" Greg and mom shouted out to me as my now captor ran to the forest with me over his shoulder.

"But you said not to go to the forest" I told him as I looked at him, feeling awfully hollow about all this, excpet the stinging pain that emerged from my arms and stomach.

EJ stopped for a second then said "shut up" and ran to the forest. Meanwhile, the cops had gotten to my home, finally, I hope Greg and Martha would be safe.

EJ ran/maneuvered through the thick growth, trees and bushes expertly until he reached a trail, it was covered with leaves, but it was still a trail. I was watching the same around me as the morning sun started climbing, lighting up the sky in grayish blue colours with reds and oranges. Birds started chirping as animals ran around everywhere, some of them stopped and looked at me, and I waved at them with a smile. They scuttled away quickly. EJ's pace had slowed, but I could tell he was hurrying to get wherever he was taking me.

"Where are we going?" I asked him again.

"Shut up" he said again.

"Oi, you kidnapped me, I could've made it harder for you to do so by screaming but I didn't, so I deserve to know!" I crossed my arms as I looked at his back "and your shoulder is digging in my stomach" I complained, his shoulder was digging in the side of my stomach, avoiding my wound.

He sighed and adjusted me, still avoiding my wound, till I was more comfortable, and spoke up "home, we are going to my home." Was all he said as he went quiet again.

I sighed and looked around at the beautiful scenery around me, trying ti ignore the bruning pain, all kinds of birds chirping, squirrels running around, snakes slithering on trees, what's common in them, they all eyes me when I passed them, I stuck my tongue out at them and a little monkey did the same to me. I made a face at it and it copied me while making noises.

"Stop messing around with the animals" EJ interrupted me and I crossed my arms angrily, whilst the monkey laughed mockingly at me, I puffed up my cheeks. Another monkey threw a...... seed at me? I yelped as I eyes the seed and then the monkey who threw it at me. The monkey was rather... scared, as it was shaking, it's eyes fixed on EJ. I looked at him but all I saw was his head turning to look ahead.

"You talk animals?" I asked EJ in shock.

"Unlike some people, animals know who is dangerous" EJ said and I puffed up my cheeks when he insulted me so bluntly. Some animals snorted and I hung down from my captor's shoulder limply, feeling the pain worsening. But I didn't mention it.

Eyeless Jack's P.O.V.:

Now that the female finally stopped attracting unneeded attention to herself, I started banging my head internally as to why I brought her here. I knew since the cops knew I was there, I won't be able to see her for a long long time, or maybe never, depending, for some reason I didn't want to leave her, maybe because she smelled so delicious, or maybe because she feels familiar.

Whatever the reason might be, I know it was stupid to bring her, a human, with me. It will be a pain to take care of her, humans are so... fragile, they break real easily. I'll have to take care of her, what have I gotten myself into?

As I facepalmed myself, the female only eyed me.

Greg's P.O.V.:

I tangled my hand in my hair, that asshole took my fucking sister, that fucker. Momcried her eyes out as a female cop tried to comfort her.

"So, sir, is that all? Are you sure the man was masked?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure he was wearing a blue mask" I told him and he nodded, closing his notebook.

"Thank you for co-operating sir" he called his other mates and left. I walked over to mom and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry" Diana spoke, she was our neighbour, and she called the cops when she heard screams from our house.

"Its fine miss Diana, thank you for calling the cops" I smiled at her.

She nodded and with another apology, left our home. I tried to calm my crying mother, until she fell asleep.
~Is the Worst Nightmare~

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