Chapter 30

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~I am the disease~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"It seems to have some sort of lock on it" I examined the small pad with numbers on it.

"Stay back (y/n)" Jason pushed me away and I glared at him.

"What will you do?" I crossed my arms.

He said nothing, but held up a card and gave me a cheeky grin. Swiping the card on the panel he entered a number and the door to the high security area opened. We sneaked in, walking in the blind spots of the cameras till I entered a random room filled with multiple stuff.

I saw Jack's scalpel and his mask. I took the objects and spotted something else, it was a silver kitchen knife, with the words J.T.K. carved into its handle. I took the sharp weapon and continued on our way down the hall, only to stop when I spotted something familiar.

"Jeff!" I stared at his figure bound in a straight jacket, he flared at me with the most pissed off face one could manage.

"What do y- you're that girl Slender was targeting, what the fuck are you doing here?" He stared at me in confusion as I ignored the other two.

"The same as you" I crept up the window like wall and stared at the panel.

"The password is 56781" Jeff spoke bluntly as I stared at him in surprise.

"What? I wanted to get out soon alright" he said in his defense and I looked at Jason who groaned and swiped his card. I put in the password and the door opened.

"I'll free you, but you better not hurt these two" I spoke as I walked up to him and freed him from the straight jacket. He swiped his hand and took from me the knife.

"That is mine, I'll be taking it, and I can't care less about your friends, bye" he said and started running down the hallway, red lights started blaring and loud alarms rung around the foundation, this idiot.

I hid in a nearby room with Jason and Greg till the horde of guards passed us, and we came out.

I dashed down the hallway, my eyes searching everywhere for Jack, till I was found him in the last cell of the second last floor of the building. Did I mention this building has ten floors with four of them reserved for the more dangerous criminals. This will suck. Jason swiped his card and I tried multiple passwords, none of which worked. In the end, pissed off, I bashed my fists on the small panel, and a stroke of the purest form of luck, managed the right password, thus opening the heavy metal door. I heard muffled growling which stopped as I entered the cell.

"Jack!" I hugged him and as I separated, I removed the muzzle from his mouth.

"Jack!" Greg exclaimed in shock as he eyed the man in front.

"Greg?" Jack looked at Greg and blinked. As they stared at each other, I removed the shackled straight jacket from his body and tugged on his wrist.

"Come on, we need to get out here" I told him as he turned his head away, making me stop.

"You should run away (y/n), you will lose your normal life if you stay with me, and I don't deserve someone like you, please leave without me" Jack spoke as I dropped his wrist in shock.

(A/n: oooohhh the cliché self releftion scene, he must have thought a fish lot.)

"J-Jack?" I stuttered.

"Leave me, I don't deserve to live anyways, I'm a monster, a demon, I kidnapped you and kept you away from your home, I hurt you, so just leave me and go live happily" he kept ranting about him being a monster as I slapped shim as hard as I could with tears in my eyes. The slap resonated throughout the cell as the other men flinched, Jack paused and stared at me.

"This is not the time for emotional drama! I will not leave without you! Not that I finally found you! I don't care how you look or what you became! I know inside you are still the Jack I know! So shut the fuck up and let's go, because I can't live knowing I couldn't help you.... again" I held out the mask as I stared at him with pleading, teary eyes. He looked at me, then at the mask, then at me, and the other two guys.

"You're right..." he took the mask "this isn't the time for this..." he put on the mask and stood up, pulling me up with and meeting eyes with the other two. "We should go before they come back."

"Too late for that!" Jason exclaimed as we exited the cell, down the hall there were multiple guards running at us. We hurried into the staircase right beside the cell and started climbing up. The guards were hot on our tail, Jack looked around until I remembered something.

"Jack, here!" I handed him his scalpel as we climbed up, and he grabbed the railing and slipped down.

"Go ahead, I'll deal with them!" He shouted at us, I trusted him and started running. We heard screams and shouts until it went silent, and Jack was with us again, but this time, covered in blood and eating a kidney.

"Jack!" I exclaimed in disgust and anger.

"What? I was hungry" the others frowned as I facepalmed. Soon enough, we were on the first floor of the underground building.

"I know the last staircase" Jason exclaimed "follow me!"

We ran after him through the maze like halls, I noticed all the blood, and bodies around the floor. I smiled smugly.

"What did you do?" Jack asked as he looked around.

"Jeff" I spoke and Jack seemed to understand.

"I can't help but feel proud" Jack said.

"What proud is there to feel?! That guy literally caused a massacre!" Jason screeched as we ran, reaching the final staircase, which was heavily bombarded by bodies, and at the top, Jeff was fighting some more guards. Jack quickly joined him.

"Wow, you were here too huh?" Jeff asked as some guards came at us. Bending down, I grabbed the guns off the bodies of the dead guards, and aimed.

I shot quickly and didn't miss any target. I shot their legs and arms. Soon enough most of them were on the floor, dead, or not dead, but all of them heavily wounded.

"I didn't knew you could use a gun, with such precision" Jack said and Jason looked at me too. I smiled.

"She learned fighting when you died" Greg highlighted the word and mbled something to himself. We heard more footsteps.

"Shit, let's go!" Jack grabbed my hand and we started running again. Not stopping until we were a safe distance from the facility.

After reaching a clearing, we all finally settled down, panting heavily. For once, Jack was tired too.

"Finally I'm out" Jeff cheered as he calmed himself down. "Well, I'll be going then." With that said, he left.

Greg and Jason removed their masks, and I suddenly wondered when they had put it on.

"I hope they didn't see us, but I need to get there to avoid suspicion" Jason stood up and started walking back. Greg sighed.

"Jason is right, I need to go home too, or they will suspect me too" Greg kissed my forehead "will you be coming?" He smiled as he asked that, but I looked at Jack then back at him. "It's fine" he sighed "I understand."

"I'm glad you do Greg" I hugged him.

"I'll miss you, and try to write for us okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Tall Martha I love her" I told him and Jack snapped his head at us.

"Mar.... mom?" he whispered.

"Jack, you can come back? Can't you?" Greg asked hopefully. He shook his head looking down, Greg sighed once again and started leaving. He waved at me till he was out of sight.

~That will never be cured~

I am quite surprised I can write endings where people don't die.

Anyhow, with the coronavirus and people being legally able to stay home, and my online classes not going, I'm kinda free, too bad the story is about to end.

Everybody, please stay at home, and stay safe, make sure to properly sanitize the stuff you put on your mouth, except food...

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