Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

After the rather unsettling incident, my family was rather very over protective of me.

The corpse was found the next morning by some passing pedestrians. Stray dogs and crows were feeding on the body. Even maggots had joined in the party. To say I was satisfied was an understatement, I felt awfully glad, he deserved it. I knew it was bad of me, but considering he traumatized me, I am glad he died, I can keep grudges pretty well after all.

As I stared out my window, I noticed something move in the woods. This time, a smile appeared on my face as I noticed black in the deep green foliage of the tall dark woods. I wonder if I'll be killed for smiling at an urban legend, I hope not. Still, I couldn't help but feel like I'm not alone as the creature watched me, I stared back at him, feeling his gaze penetrating me.

"Hey (y/n)" Greg entered my room.

"Hoi" I greeted him as he settled beside me on my window.

"What cha looking at?" Greg followed my gaze and stared at direction I was looking at.

"My stalker" I answered him bluntly as he freaked out.

"What?!" He shrieked.

"Well yeah, did I told you about the tall fac- wait, I did, it has been watching me from the forest, wherever I go" I told him, kicking my legs in the air. The feeling of being watched disappeared as I continued staring. Can a tall faceless creature feel awkward? I think it does feel awkward... New discovery, yay me.

"I can't see him, is he still there?" Greg asked.

"It, and no, it just left" I told him, leaning on the side of the window.

"How is it... It? Shouldn't it have a gender or something? Or is it from that horror movie, something like Pennywise" Greg scratched the back of his head, looking at me confused.

"Now that you mention it, I guess it is a he... Since his chest is flat" I snickered "but it could be a trans too... A male trans? I guess..." I shrugged at the end.

"Well, I'll go with it being not an it but a male, even if its male trans, who cares?" Greg made a face and looked forward. "It seems like it is going to rain soon" Greg looked at the sky.

"I guess you're right" I followed his gaze, is this why the creature left? Not wanting to get all sogged up?

"You will go out, won't you?" Greg gave me a disappointed ace, knowing what my answer.

"For sure" I grinned wide. "What's Mar-" I stopped when I heard ringing.

"What's that?" Greg turned to the direction of the voice, my bed. "Are you doing something naughty?" He gave me wide eyes.

"Oi, piss off idiot, its my phone" I gave him an angry face as I got off the window and trotted to my bed, picking up my phone and accepting the call. It was Edna.

Eh? It's been a while since I last heard from her, in fact, I haven't heard from since our graduation, which was months ago.

"Hello" I spoke on the phone.

"Umm (y/n), can you open your front door?" Edna spoke, her teeth clattering.

"Eh? Why? Are you standing there or what?" I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Just do it, its really cold!" She shivered visibly, and audibly.

"Alrighty" I shrugged as I hung up and went downstairs with Greg's eyes watching me. When I reached downstairs, I went to the front door and opened it, only to see a blue Edna.

Literally, she looked like she was freezing to death. She jumped inside and shut off the door behind her.

"How do you live with such cold?!" She screeched as she desperately tried to warm herself.

"It isn't usually this cold in the days, or nights either, but since it is winter, and it is about to rain, its cold" O shrugged as I led her to the fireplace to warm up. "Anyways, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to see my older sister, and decided to pay you a visit" She heated herself by wrapping herself in a blanket I gave her, and sitting close to the fireplace.

"Well, good luck warming up, I'll get you some hot chocolate" I told her, patting her head.

"Wait, (y/n)?" She called out, looking at me. She surely has matured a lot more than before, her black haired glistened just like her deep brown eyes, if anything, she may have similar features to the man from before, but she's nothing like him, with her soft features and curvy, small body. Yeah, she a smoll bean, just a couple inches smaller than me, but it makes her cute.

I hummed in acknowledgement, turning to face her curled up form on the floor.

"Can you come over to my house? We can have a sleepover, just me and you" she smiled and I blinked.

"You haven't changed" I smiled and nodded "sure, it will be fun catching up and all." She smiled big and went back to warm herself up.

I went to the kitchen, and quickly prepared hot chocolate for both of us. Once I was done, I walked up to the black head and gave her the cup, sitting down beside her with mine.

"Just how in the living hell do you live with such cold?" She blowed on the hot liquid.

"I'm used to it, dearie~" I laughed.

"Unfair" she pouted then turned a bit grim "stay away from the woods." She spoke.

"Wha- why?" I blinked at her in surprise, why did she say that?

"I heard an urban legend named Slender man lives there, whoever sees him never return" she sipped her drink.

"Slender man, seems interesting" I hummed, thinking about it.

"Yep, he has no face or anything, and he has a white skin, and wears a black suit" she excitedly told me, and I turned serious, before smiling to cover up my fear.

"Seems cool, tell me more" I asked her and her eyes lit up.

"Well, he lives in woods and usually eats or kidnaps children, whatever he does to them, they never return. If an adult enters his forest, he stalks them. He will follow you anywhere you go because of a mental connection he has to his victims and stuff." She told me.

"Oh, has anyone ever returned?" I asked and she shook her head, making my stomach drop down in dread. "Oh."

"Hey, cheer up, its not like he's following you or anything" she punched my shoulder playfully and I smiled.

Its not like you know Edna...

"Oi you both, drinking hot chocolate and talking all alone, that's unfair" Greg stood behind us with an angry face and his hands on hips.

"You're not a girl Greg, go out with your friends" I rolled my eyes and Edna laughed as Greg pouted. He hugged me from behind.

"But I'm so young, I need your guidance big sister, please help me, I'm afraid to be alone" he spoke in a high pitched voice. Edna broke out laughing as I rolled my eyes.

"You're heavy you fat ass" I tried to handle his weight, but he pushed into me more, making me fall down with him crushing me.

"I find this comfortable, so no" Greg spoke smugly.

"Get off!" I flailed as Greg laughed obnoxiously.

~Won't Help~

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