Easter Day Special

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Happy late Easter day guys~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I stared out the window of the wooden house, longing evident in my eyes.

"Hey (y/n)?" Jack spoke from behind, startling me and making me jump. I faced him with wide eyes.

"When did you come here!?" I asked, my eyes wild.

"When you were lost in daydreaming" he spoke nonchalantly, his mask covering his expression. "What was going on in your mind?"

"Home" I puffed up my cheeks, not happy with him scaring me like that.

He tilted his head in question and I sighed.

"It's Easter Day Jack, Easter..... People hide eggs with treats inside... I miss home" I hid my face under my hands.

I miss being with Martha, making chocolates and treats for the eggs, and I miss being with Greg hiding them. I miss them both. Why does my life suck? Why do I have to choose....?

A silence overtook us. After a long pause, Jack spoke.

"Do you want to go?" He asked and I turned my head to him sharply, my eyes wide as I leaned towards him.

"R-really?!" I smiled in excitement, Jack hesitated before nodding. I cheered.

And thus, we ended up on a small road trip down a path I don't know of. I am literally lost on where we are, but Jack seems to know the way, I don't think I want to know how, or why.

I almost tripped on a root before straightening myself and glaring back at the root.

"Hurry up (y/n)!" Jack called out and I noticed he had gone far ahead, in just a moment, how even? By the time I got to him, I collapsed on the grassy floor.

"I'm done, leave me and go" I heaved long breaths as he sighed before picking me up ungracefully and draping me over his shoulder like he does with towels. I didn't struggle or move, letting my body loose, I poked his waist to pass time.

Somehow, with him doing the walking, we got down faster than I expected, and soon enough, we were in my lawn. I watched him climb up one of the trees and stalk me like he used to before I sneaked inside. Martha was sobbing and Greg was consoling her. There were treats in front of them, ready to be stuffed into eggs. I giggled internally before sneaking up on both of them.

"Boo~" I spoke and dodged the blow from both Greg and Martha as they screamed together. I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! My baby!" Martha hauled my upper body up in her arms and hugged me as Greg watched me with wide eyes.

"What the fuck (y/n)? How did you get here?" He asked, and then whispered "what about that unit?"

I shrugged "it's just for today" I hugged Martha back as I said that. She slapped me. I held my cheek and stared at her wide eyed.

"Ow Martha what was that for?" I asked her and she slapped me again, this time light than before.

"You ungrateful brat, is this any way to treat your fucking foster mother? You didn't even say goodbye!" She grabbed my shoulders and shook me till my world became black and white.

"I did tell Tomato there to say it for me" I told her and she rolled her eyes.

"To tell it for me" she mimicked in a funny tone "fuck you, you should've said that yourself" she glared and I sighed before whispering.

"I'm sorry" I rubbed my cheeks. After she was finished scolding, she pulled me to the ouch where all of us filled the eggs with treats.

"So where were you even?" She asked and I shrugged.

 Reminiscence (Eyeless Jack X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now