Chapter 13

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~On my feet~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I was sitting up in bed, Greg encouraging me to stand, and Martha recording me.

"Oh god, I will get to record my daughter walking for the first time!" She squealed teary eyed.

"First time in a couple weeks Martha, not life, plus I'm not a kid anymore" I rolled my eyes but smiled nonetheless. Martha broke down exclaiming about how cute I am and that I still look like a baby.

"Stop it Martha, your not helping by stalling her!" Greg put his hands on his waists as he glared at Martha.

"I'm sorry, I just can't help it" she wiped her tears and went back to recording.

"Stand up (y/n), that was enough time to prepare yourself" Greg said, but I was afraid, especially after falling a week ago, that hurt, and I'm afraid this won't hurt less.

I said nothing and stared at my legs, I moved them a little and a sharp yet dull pain resonated within them, making my wince and grit my teeth.

"Come on" Greg then stopped and sighed "you know, I'm out, I had a date and I'm getting late."

"Yeah, go on ahead, care for outsiders instead of your own family" I snapped at him teary and he bent before me, and hugged me.

"I don't want to watch you in pain without doing anything, I can't stand it" Greg said in my ear, and went away, walking outside quickly.

"Oh dear, that failed horribly" Martha placed her hand on her chin. "And I didn't even get a good video out of it" she added.

"Its fine Martha, I'm just not ready" I brought my feet up, and settled on bed. "Its sucks not being able to walk and move fast, I have to move so slowly so as not to hurt myself... What a pain" I rolled my eyes at myself.

"I know you're annoyed sweetie, but give it time, soon you'll be up and running, literally" she smiled kindly as she looked at me "and I'll get you your something nice tonight for dinner, I'll even cook (favorite food) when you start walking again" she patted my head and left the room with a small wave. I sighed and fell down on bed, falling asleep after a while of boredom.

I woke up to shuffling, sitting up slowly, I rubbed my eyes and looked around sleepily.

"Who's there?" I spoke in a slight heavy, sleepy and raspy voice.

"You're awake" EJ's face came into my view as he glanced down at me.

"Oh, you're he- what are you doing!?!" I screamed in surprise as EJ grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed to the floor on my feet so fast that I couldn't even comprehend it, pain shot through my body as my knees buckled. Before I could fall, I was pulled in a tight hold.

"Helping you on your feet" EJ spoke as he held me up, my knees were weak because of not walking at all.

"It hurts, it hurts so bad" I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes and held onto EJ, a few tears slipped out.

"Shhhh" he shushed me, pain was coursing through my veins, the muscles from the knees to my heel was aching badly, and not to mention shaking like there was an earthquake.

EJ help me up until my knees were steady enough, I held in the yelps and screams of pain as EJ held my hands.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked him confusion as I could feel him rolling his eyes under his mask.

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