Chapter 7

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~When Days Are Normal~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"Do I have to do this?" I groaned as Martha set up my hair into something I don't care.

"Dear, first of all, you need to get out more, and secondly, what's better than a blind date?" Martha smiled excitedly.

"I don't want a blind date" I emphasized.

"Oh dear, I can't let my daughter spend away her life thinking about a man she cannot have, you must fall in love again" Martha spoke, literally firing up with determination. It seems like her wish to find me love fills her with determination. I sighed.

"Well, I don't want to fall in love either, I'm still-" I was interrupted by the auburn haired woman.

"In love with Jack, and I don't want to forget him, blah blah blah" she looked at with a glare "I know, and now you shut up and listen to me, oh and make sure you get back early, and keep wasp spray on you at all times. We don't want a repetition of that night again." She listed out to me. I sighed.

"Got it" I stood up and stretched out my sore body after sitting for so long. I checked myself in the mirror, I was wearing black jeans, ankle high boots, navy blue shirt, a black top with navy blue jacket with sleeves rolled up. My hair were set in a messy braid, I let the neutral face of disappointment take over my expression. "Martha, I look like an emo" I told her.

"Excuses excuses, you look pretty, now go have fun, but make sure you don't get laid" she said as she pushed me out of my own room. I facepalmed before I heard snickers.

"Greg you asshole, if I die today I'll make sure I'll kill you before I go to hell" I glared at him as Martha pushed me outside the house. Greg walked out as well, still snickering.

"You look emo" he muttered so that only I could hear. I punched his arm "ow! You didn't have to do that!" He pouted at me.

"Enjoy my children!" Martha waved at us "My babies are growing up" she cried, wiping her tears. We chuckled and waved her bye as we got in the black car.

"So where are we going, asshole of the year?" I looked at Greg.

"We are going to a café, its called Sugar" he answered.

"I hope its not too sweet" I sighed and Greg gave me a funny look.

"Don't worry, I'll be there too" Greg smiled.

"Yeah, with Tuna" I rolled my eyes.

"Its Talia!" He exclaimed as I looked at him, he glared at me.

"Eyes ahead on the road, you don't want to end up dead, or on the very same hospital bed you examine your patients on" I told him and he rolled his eyes, and focused ahead on the road.

We took our seat when we were finally there, Greg sat on another table with two chairs, and I sat on another table with two chairs, my table was close to the window, whilst Greg's was just beside me.

"Hello" a young man settled down in front of me, smiling brightly. I blinked in surprise, I didn't notice him get in.

"Hoi" I greeted with an indifferent tone, returning my eyes to the scene outside, not interested in the man at all. Don't get me wrong, he was handsome and seemed nice, but I just don't get the lovey feeling I get with Jack... Or used to.

"I am Izet" The man smiled, he had black hair, and emerald green eyes. He wore deep green pants, a green shirt with a black leather jacket over it. He seemed so innocent, unaware of the horrors this world holds.... As I thought that, my mind went to how Jenny gouged out Jack's eyes... His pretty blue eyes. I smiled, it was fake.

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