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~I am yours~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I cleaned the new house we have settled in. It doesn't have any facilities but it is enough. Jack refused to return to the old house, because apparently, it will be a long while before they decide to leave it alone since we won't be returning, but who knows, they might just not leave. In any case, we changed places.

I finally settled down on the couch once I was done. I yawned.

"What are you doing?" Jack asked as he eyed my exhausted form.

"Trying not to sleep" was my answer as Jack probably rolled his non existent eyes. "Jack?"

Jack let out a hum to show acknowledgement.

"How did you... recovered your memories?" I asked, looking up at him as he froze for a bit.

"Well, when I was fighting, you called my name, the way you called it was.... awfully familiar to me" Jack spoke as he cleaned his jars.

"How was it familiar? So far I don't remember calling you like that when you were alive" I was interested as he continued.

"When I was just about to die, I heard you call that with the very same emotion, it must have acted as the trigger to unlocking the door of my memories" he said as he continued working. I hummed, understanding his reasoning.

"W-why did you come with me? Despite how I hurt you... I'm a monster, a demon, why?" Jack turned to look at me and I smiled sweetly.

"I don't care if you hurt me, I'm way too happy to have finally found you to be actually pissed, plus I already told you, you're not a monster, but the same Jack who you were before. I didn't wanted to let you go after I finally found you, so yep" I let my hands dangle down from the couch as we went silent, not the awkward or unsettling kind, but the comfortable kind.

Even if he is not the exact same Jack, he still is Jack, and I still love him as much as I did before, but this time, for entirely different reasons, with some same reasons.


Jack blushed behind his mask as he heard the words escape from the female's mouth.

He was embarrassed, after he got his memory back, during the fight, he had been thinking. Sure, for someone who suddenly got his memories, his reaction was much better, but there was no choice. Had he decided to ponder on his memories there, there was a chance Slender could have killed him and take her, or if not Slender, then the AMs. Not like they still didn't take them, but still.

He did thought about his newly discovered memories, and they caused him to break down mentally, but he couldn't help it, he is what he is and he knows he can't change it.

What fluttered his non existing black heart was the fact how (y/n) was willing to stay with him despite of what or who he was.

And after all, with the return of his memories, his crush on her returned, if it wasn't already there. He finally knew why he couldn't kill her when he met her, because he loved her, and now he loves her.

He is not sure if she loves him back, because despite everything, he is still monster, and that is what he will always be, a monster. Quite contrary to his own thoughts.

He let a smile come over his face as he saw the female already sleeping on the couch after she finally cleaned up the house, on her own accord because she didn't want to sleep in dust. He walked up to her and examined her peaceful face, an instinct asked him to jump on her and cut her open, but he rolled his non existing eyes at himself and stopped himself, forcing the thought in the far depths of his mind.

Pulling his mask up, he leaned down, and hesitated a bit, before kissing her forehead. Satisfied for now, he placed his mask in place and left the house to collect some organs from the unfortunate hikers who are currently lost in the woods, and are wondering around his place.


I let a smile on my face as I felt the tingling feeling where Jack just kissed me. I curled up to the couch and fell into the abyss of a deep sleep, my ears completely ignoring the faint screams that came from outside.

~Dream, nightmare, and all~

And with that, the story is done.

Thank you everyone, for sticking with me to the end. I hope you enjoyed the story because I'm weirded out by myself.

If you have suggestions on making my story better please let me know. Thank you for your time.

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