Chapter 27

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~Don't be afraid~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

I found myself in an old, seemingly abandoned dark building.

The walls were faded, and it was dark, only light enough for me to see. There were multiple objects lying around.

I exited the room I was in and continued down a hallways, only to find a door with a table in front of it. The table had a flashlight on it, and some batteries. I took them and slid the table out of the way, only to find the door locked. I glanced at the table, and went back to the previous room and found the key near the door I entered. I jumped when I heard thumps, very loud ones. I looked back at the hallway with wide eyes, and found something that wasn't there before.

On the floor were letter painted with red colour, no doubt blood, the said, 'come (y/n), play my game?' I gulped and unlocked the door and hurried out of the hallway,

I found myself in an enclosed room, the floor was solid, and the walls were bare. I walked a bit further, and screamed, falling to my butt when something dropped in front of my eyes, it was the body my mom, Martha, she was hung by her neck. Her chest was ripped out and blood was coming out of her mouth. I jumped to my feet and tried to open the door behind to avoid the lifeless stare of my mother, but the door was locked.

Suddenly, more bodies, most if random people, some I recognized. Jack was there, and so was Greg and Dr. Arthur. Edna was there too, there bodies were in the same condition, chest ripped open, and multiple marks, and cuts covering their body as they dropped with blood.

I jumped with a shriek as a bell rang, it resonated through the wall, tell, even through my entire body. It rung thrice and suddenly, all the bodies began twitching.

I started at them in horror as they moved, and red lights shone, their eyeballs popping and falling out, and tumbling to me. The eyes stated at me as their respective bodies all the same, all muttering and screaming the same thing.

"Play with him!!! Play with him (y/n)!!! He wants you!!" They shouted and I screamed, trying to shut my ears to black the noise but it was futile.

"You can't run!!! He will always find you!!! He wants you to play (y/n)!!! Join us!!!" They all shouted and laughter boomed in the room, and shrieking laughter that made me want to go crazy, or deaf. I shouted for them to stop, but they only laughed harder. I curled up near the door, until a hatch opened underneath. I was dropped into water.

I tried swimming up to the surface, but something was holding me down. I looked underneath me and saw black tentacles wrapped around my ankles, and red eyes peeking at me from the abyss below. I screamed with my mouth closed and tried harder to swim up as I was running out of oxygen, but it didn't help.

I was only pulled below, the water entered my lungs, my brain and everything started hurting, and then I woke up breathing heavy.

I was lying on the forest floor, and there was something in my hands.

Looking down, my eyes widened as I screamed with ears filling my eyes, it was a note, and it said 'CAN'T RuN'. I closed my mouth as I heard my name being called, the familiar voice soothing me instantly.

Eyeless Jack's P.O.V.:

I woke up as soon as I heard (y/n)'s door open. She's a pain, and why am I even keeping her alive?


Oh yeah, I still need my answers. I sighed as I jumped off my bed, but the time I exited my room, she was already heading into the woods, sleepwalking, again.

I hurried behind her before she decided to pull any of the notes attached around the place.

However, something stopped me, weird zombie like creatures jumped on me, from trees, from around, from everywhere. I growled in irritation as I killed them, with my claws, my scalpel won't be able to cover as much area as I can with extended damage.

However, no matter how many I killed, they kept multiplying, until they were gone. Something is wrong, awfully wrong, and I have a hunch what. I hurried through the forest, following my human's scent as I dashed around the trees.

"(Y/n)!" I called out her name as I saw her figure on the ground, sitting up.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.:

"EJ!" I shouted and stood up, hugging him as soon as he was in arms reach. I began crying in his hoodie as he froze. After a few seconds, he lightly pushed me away and I let go, wiping my face quickly. EJ bent down and picked up something from the ground, and after looking at it, he looked at me, presenting to me, the note.

"You took it, didn't you?" He asked me, it was hard to point out what he was feeling right now. I shamefully nodded.

"I don't know when it happened, I woke up with it in my hands" I sniffed as I fidgeted. He grabbed my wrist and tugged me in some direction that again, is random to me, but it might not be to him.

"Since your stupid idiotic was decided to pick this abomination despite me warning you about it a thousand time,  we need to finish it, and standing around won't help at all" just as he said that, a sharp headache erupted in the back of my head. He tugged more tenaciously as I followed without another word.

He was half running as I was fully running after him. He looked around, it surprised me how well he could see in this blinding darkness, I could barely see anything.

I tripped on something invisible as I crashed to the ground. Looking down, I saw something white attached to a huge pebble. EJ turned to me as I paled on reading the note.

"What?" He asked me.

"It says, two in a one person game won't do, cheater" I looked at him with teary eyes as he snatched the note from me and tore it into pieces. He patted my head once as he looked around.

"Now you listen you tall piece of shit, she is my pet, and I'll be the one to kill her, and you forced her into your stupid game, so shut up, because you don't have a choice" as EJ said that, I felt a heavy ominous presence bang in the air that made dread settle itself into my stomach.

"Come on" EJ pulled me up by my wrist as I stood up on my feet, we both continued making our way through the forest.

~I'll be your shield~

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